20//Remember Me

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"I can't explain how, but he is." Red scratched his head. M-4-R-K was still on the ground, even more skittish.

"What are we going to do?! Can... Can we factory reset him? Maybe that'll get rid of everything?"

Red nearly facepalmed himself to oblivion. "Yes, M-4-R-K. That is what we could do, but what about US?"

"Same thing...? He shrugged.

"Sure, and then when we're sent out, we'll be just like Old Blue; mindless- because that's exactly what will happen if we're factory reset. I have more experience with this place than either of you do."

"How? You're the newest model, you're like the 3rd child." M-4-R-K stood up, his fists balled up.

"I watched as Green, Yellow, and New Blue were all being worked on; they let us roam, interact with people in the office on the daily, and basically treat us like pets, except we have more rights and aren't locked up in kennels. We go through an entire process, and then get shipped off. All out memory, like working with people, would be erased, but we still have the knowledge of what we need to do, and how to act." Red huffed out in annoyance.

"... Red, if your memory is wiped, how the hell did you remember all of that?" M-4-R-K tilted his head a little.

"Dumbass, I haven't been shipped out yet." Red head slapped the other AI unit.

"Right, right, I knew that... shut up. Look, maybe (Y/N) could treat 'Old Blue' like her own kid, and then from there... you know?"

Red thought for a moment.

"You know, that part might actually work. It might get rid of the virus completely, and anything we had, it'll be gone too, since the Producer would be dead. You understand what I mean?"


"Good. Let's put Old Blue in this Dickhead-" Red patted Goog on the back. "-and reset his entire memory. We're gonna-... Oh, fuck. We need Jackson and (Y/N) for th-"

The doors bust open, and Jackson comes in the room, carrying (Y/N). Jackson looks beaten up.

"YOU TWO FUCKERS- huff, huff -LEFT ME TO RUN AROUND- huff, huff -AND NOT TRY TO GET ME???" He whispered-screamed and put (Y/N) on the ground.

"Right on time, although, Jackson, what the hell are you going on about?"


"Calm down. We need your help, and you being angry isn't gonna help any of us."

"Red-" Jackson pinched the bridge of his nose. "-I really don't fucking care how angry I am because I have-" He unpinched his nose and punches Red. "-EVERY-" Again. "-FUCKING-" Again. "-RIGHT-" Again. Jackson's hands were quickly turning red. "-TO-" Again. "-BE!!!" Again. They were bleeding, and Red grabbed his hands

"Jackson. Stop that. Now." Red's eyes glowed... well, red. All of Jackson's anger went away almost immediately. "Listen to me, okay?" Jackson nods, and Red releases his hands.

"We're gonna stick Old Blue to Dickhead-... sorry, Goog, hook him up to the main panel-" Red points at the computer they've been using. "-and factory reset him. In the meantime, I'm gonna quickly find a replacement face, because (Y/N) can't be sent home with a face like that. Once Old Blue is factory reset, M-4-R-K and I aren't gonna remember any of this, because Google's virus-shit isn't alive anymore to affect us. You need to finish the last of the process. Do you know how?"

"I do. I've worked on the IRL's for a bit, until they booted me off the program and fucked up all my work."

"Good, and I'm sorry to hear. You made Old Blue wonderful."

"Thank you, Red." Jackson put out a hand. "It was a pleasure working with you." Red took it and shook it. Jackson turned to M-4-R-K. "You too, M-4-R-K. You did a wonderful job of helping us all." They shook hands, and proceeded with the plan.

M-4-R-K hauled Goog over his shoulder and brought him to the computer. One of his eyes shut off, indicating that he's talking to Google. The eye now turns brown. M-4-R-K plugs himself into Goog, and transfers Google over. Goog hums on, and Google is now in control again.

"Ahhh~. Feels good being back in here." Google stretches.

"I'm sure it is. Red is looking for your face. Stay here, okay? Put yourself into sleep mode."

"Sure. Tell Red thank you for the new face. I'll miss you guys."

"W-what?" M-4-R-K stared at Google.

"I heard everything. Thanks to you, though, I didn't murder either of you and actually listened in on what was being said. It's reasonable, and the best option." Google smiled, sad. "I hope to keep the memory of both of you guys, in case we run into you in the future."

M-4-R-K was quiet. He then nodded. "I'll see what I can do."

Google nods too, and puts himself into sleep mode.

"Thanks, M-4-R-K. See you on the other side, then."

867 words.

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