9//Nervous Wreck

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Your POV.

I inhale and exhale, my face heating up. I gotta do what I gotta do, but GOOOOOODDD, why can't he just... ugh... no point in arguing with myself.

"Okay, Google..." I look down at the floor, and turn around. "Take off your shorts. I won't look."

I heard water slosh, and Google grunting. "This is- oh- extremely-" I felt his hands on my shoulders. "Sorry. That was extremely difficult to do while in the tub. They are off, now." He removes his hands from my shoulders. "Where do you want these shorts?"

I point to the toilet. "Stick them on the toilet. You'll wear them when we're done."

"(Y/N), I do not think these will fit the toilet."

I shake my head and giggle. "No, Google, I didn't mean like that. Put them on top of the toilet lid."

I heard a plop, and water slosh again. "Okay. I'm sitting back down now."

I take a deep breath in, and out. "Okay, cool, cool. Okay... okay..." I turn around, and Google has his hands over his... area.

"It sounds like you are uncomfortable, so I am covering up."

"Thank you, Google. There's... no way you could do this?"

"I can search online, but the results may not be appropriate."

"Okay, mmhmm, understandable... oohhh boy... lets see..." I'm flushed, I can feel it in my face. God, I hope he doesn't get pleasure from this. Please, please, please.

"Okay, uh, uh... l-lets, uh... w-wash... wash..."

"(Y/N)? You seem uncomfortable, still. Is there anything I can do to help?"

I stay silent. There's nothing. It's literally giving a grown man a bath. But, but he's not man. Is he? He said Google IRL's grow overtime... oh, God. I am giving a grown man a bath. I really am. Okay, yep... ohhh yeah. Mmhmm.

"(Y/N), if I may suggest-"

"HUSH hush hush... hush. Be quiet this entire time. Okay?"

Google nods, and I take a breath in, and out. I reach over him and grab one of the many body soaps from the shower wall, and-... THANK THE LORD.

"Oh, I forgot a washcloth. Hey, uh, I'll go grab one. Uh... y-yeah, don't do anything." I got up and rushed out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me. Why was this so difficult?! It's not like he's gonna be embarrassed for the rest of his life because he was given a frickin' bath. Nobody will know. Just us. Or, maybe Google watches? Oh, God. I can't imagine how awkward that must be. Goddamnit, okay, okay. Just... go get the cloth, and pretend... pretend you're in 2nd person! Yeah! As a guy, but yeah! Okay, okay! Okay... yeah... okay. I grab the wash cloth from the linen closet, and return to Google, who had the shampoo bottle in his hand, examining it.

"Heya, Google, whatcha doin'?" I walked in and closed the door behind me, kneeling back down on the floor.

"Reading. This stuff is bad for hair." Google puts it back on the floor, and covers up his area again. "I will be quiet for you, now."

"Thank you. Okay, now, where were we...?"

I put the cloth in the water and swish it around, getting the thing soaked. I drizzle body wash on it, and rub it into the cloth. Time for the fun part...

"Okay, uh... stand up." Google grunts, and stands. I get up as well, and look up at the ceiling, trying to think of how I'm gonna wash this dude.

"... nice... Okay, Google. Can... can you cover your face with your hands for me?"

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