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Google's POV.

M-4-R-K shows me how to enter the newer model's system without messing up the main host. Quickly and easily, I connect, and it goes through it's boot-up process.

"Google, try to stay aware of Goog's presence. I'm going to try and connect myself to your motherboard, and fish the virus-thing out. You can put my body behind the desk. Try to not damage it, okay? If it goes, I go, and so does the entire mainframe, and he can't be stopped." M-4-R-K says his goodbyes to me, and I say mine, and we part ways.

I take control of the Red Google easily, and have it go through it's booting up process. First, my vision. Then, hearing. Then-... who's that in the doorway? Oh, Jackson and (Y/N)! ...what is Jackson doing? Hugging (Y/N)? No, you take your filthy hands off of her. Come on, move, Red! Nobody touches (Y/N). Nobody except me.

God, what am I saying? I'm mechanical. We... wouldn't work... pathetic, Google. So, so pathetic...

I hear a loud BRRR coming from myself, and they suddenly look at me, eyes wide.

"Eh? What was that?" Jackson hopped in front of (Y/N), protecting her. Is she... blushing? No, no! You are not going to blush for a man who's about to be dismembered in front of-...

Wait, what am I saying...?

"Come on, show yourself, you wank!" I hear rage and fear in his voice. Be scared, Jackson.

"Jackson! I don't-..."

(Y/N) stared at me, and I stared back. She looks afraid of me. Why? I... can't remember... why...

"Hello, I am Google. I am your personal assistant." I say, as part of the boot-up process.

"Don't come near my (Y/N)." Jackson growled at me, like it was meant to be a threat.

"Jackson, what did you just say?" I walk slowly up to him, unable to handle how enraged I am at him. HIS (Y/N)?! I don't think so, punk.

"I-I said... s-stay away f-from... (Y/N)..."

I grab his shirt, lifting him in the air. (Y/N) cowers even more.

"You said your (Y/N)." Eyes red, I don't think I can control my anger anymore.

"I-I-I didn't... G-Google, buddy, c'mon... p-please let me go... I didn't m-mean- HURRGHH!!"

I throw him to the ground, and kneel, raising fist, aimed right at his pathetic face.

"Will you ever say YOUR (Y/N) ever again?"

Jackson shook his head, looking almost pale. "Never again."

"Good." I stand up, and refuse to help him up. I glance over at (Y/N). She's hiding behind some boxes, scared for her life.

"(Y/N)... I'm sorry if I scared you." I say, trying to sound sincere. I know I can't have a tone, but I know my expressions can show greatly. I just hope she notices my attempt.

"Google... is that you? Or, is that the newer model talking?" She says. She's still hiding.

"It's the real me. The one from your phone. The Google who..." I take a breath in. Out.

"(Y/N)." I stand still, hand to the side of me.

"Yes, Google?" She slowly emerges from the boxes.

"I know this isn't the time or place to say this... but..." I look up for a moment. Now I know how any other person feels about telling your crush you love her for the first time.

"Google, speak, please."

"Since I arrived to your door, the very first time I looked at you, I felt something. I felt an actual emotion from you. For you. (Y/N), I love you. Not in a friend way. I do love you. I want to be with you. As insane and impossible as it sounds, I want to be with you until the day I power off and never turn back on."

I felt an immense weight lift off of me, but now it's filled the entire room. I felt her eyes gaze at mine. And, more than likely, felt like Jackson was stabbing daggers into my back. I don't care. I finally released my emotions to her, and how I felt.

We didn't say anything.

"Weeeeeelllll, if it isn't pretty girl, rip-facer, and... male. Trying to ruin my fun?"

Well, someone else did. We all looked in the direction of the voice; the Big Screen. Where M-4-R-K's face should've been, not Goog's.

"Where's M-4-R-K?!" Jackson piped up.

"Oh, somewhere. No, seriously, I haven't found that guy. I spent a good 10 minutes trying to find him. Oh, bee-tee-double-U, Reddy-boy, nice confession to your girl-toy, but sadly, she's mine. Better luck next time!"

His face disappeared, and I ran over to (Y/N) immediately, holding her tightly in my arms, shielding her from Goog, wherever he was. I ran over to Jackson.

"Jackson, stay with M-4-R-K's body. Goog is after (Y/N), and I'm gonna hold him off by running around this place."


"M-4-R-K might need you. Hide under something if you need to, bozo."

I ran, carrying (Y/N) with me.

"REDDY!! ARE YOU RUNNING WITH MY PRIZED POSSESSION?!" I heard Goog's voice come from several places.

Here goes nothing.

I will protect you, (Y/N), even if it risks my life.

Our lives.

912 words.

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