8//Snail's Pace

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Your POV.

It was a few days after Google and I's "incident". I used him as the actual Google Search Engine a few times, just to ask some questions ("Hey, Google, how's the weather?", "Hey, Google, bring up an easy cake recipe.", "Hey, Google, what is my reminder for today?"). I took him out of the house for a few minutes to help with my car, but other than that, he's had no interaction with people. I did give him his 'G' shirt back, and boy was he thankful for it. I wish I had washed it first, but he didn't seem to mind.

Actually, he hasn't done much, other than come from that box, gone out with me to (Fr/N)'s house, drank hot chocolate, and overheated and died. I wouldn't consider 'trying to kill me' would be something Google did; I dreamt of him doing that, it wasn't reality.

Come to think of it, I haven't really looked back on that manual in a few days. Maybe I'm missing something?

"Hey, Google!" I called him from my room. I hear footsteps, and Google pops in my doorway.

"Yes, (Y/N)? You called?" He responded in a mono tone. Something seemed... off. I should ask how he's doing, that might make him feel better.

"How are you doing?" I ask him, getting up from my bed. I walk towards him.

"My system is online, and is running at max speed. There are no errors to be found, and I am at a cool temperature of 58⁰. The-... oh..." I hugged Google, and he didn't react.

"C'mon, Google. Hug me and continue, I'm..." I pause, and sniff his shirt, almost immediately cringing. "CHRIST, HOLY SHIIIIT! Oh, God damn!" I pull away and put my own shirt up over my nose. 

"I was about to say; The only thing I need is a bath. Google IRL's grow into normal people overtime, (Y/N). Have... have you not read the manual on that part?" He smelt his own shirt, and cringed himself. "Oh, I can see why you cringed. I stink badly."

I nod. "Ohhh yeah you do. Take off all your clothes, hop in the shower... or, bath, if you prefer... and wash yourself. Come on, Google." I head to the bathroom and start running the water, making sure it's warm enough for him. Ah, yeah, that should be good. Where is he...? "Hey, Google! C'mon! The water is warm for you!" I waited a few minutes and... nothing. I groan and get up.

"Google! I said- Oh!! God damnit!" I turn away quickly and cover my eyes in embarrassment. I hope what I saw wasn't his... robotic... penis... thing- aughh, Christ!

"Is something wrong, (Y/N)? I took all my clothes off."

"Yes, Google, but I didn't hear any response, and I didn't realise you'd take off your underwear!"

"Oh. Would you like me to put them back on?" I heard him stepping around to find his underwear (did he throw them somewhere?).

"No, don't find them again. Just... okay, uh... hide behind my bed, I'll get something else for you. Let me know when you're behind-"

"I am behind the bed. Do you want me to duck down to avoid seeing me?"

"Yes, please."

"Okay." I heard him grunt. "I am hidden behind the bed."

I turn around and see Google's hair sticking up. "Heh, okay. Let me get you some shorts." I walk to the dresser and open up a drawer, pulling out an oversized pair of short shorts. Oh yeah. Now these finally have some purpose! I grab them and open them up. Huuugggeee short shorts! "Here, Google. Put these on." I turn and toss them to him. They land on his head, and I chuckle. "I'll walk out and let you know when I'm out of the room. When I tell you, then put on the shorts, and let me know when you've done that. Okay?"

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