3//Admire The Little Things

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Google's POV.

I awakened from 'Cuddle's Sleep Mode' in (Y/N)'s bed, my arms wrapped around her. I scan her for a moment, and presume she's still sleeping. I'm not sure what to do. Perhaps I can leave the bed and wait for her to get up? No, she'll feel the warmth disappear. I suppose I can stay this way until she wakes up. Her alarm is set for 7. It should go off in- gah, let's see... pulling up the time... 6:30. It should go off in approximately 29 minutes, 38 seconds. Until then, I shall wait.

. . .

Beep! beep! beep! beep!


Your POV.

I wake up, my body being held by someone- oh, duh. Google. Yeah, who else? I hear my alarm going off, and I twist myself around to shut it off. I reach for it, and slap my hand down on my phone. Thunk. Fuck, it fell.

"Mmm, Goooogleee... PLEAAAASE turn the alarmmm... offff...." I beg half asleep.

"Turning the alarm off..." He spoke, and the alarm shut off. "Good morning, (Y/N). How was your sleep? How did you enjoy the 'Cuddle Mode'?" I flip myself back around to see his face.

I forgot I asked him to cuddle me last night. Wow. "Uh... mm, my sleep was... good, I guess...? I uh, I enjoyed the... 'Cuddle Mode'." It was awkward to say that, I can feel my guts twisting in cringe.

"You're experiencing discomfort. Are you alright? Did I not do my job correctly?" He kept his face neutral. Thank God for no creepy smile in the morning.

"Oh, no no, you did. I... I'm still getting... used to uh..." I hesitated, looking him up and down. "You, I guess. It just amazes me that Google sent me you. To be the only person to get one, too, is the biggest question to me."

I felt him stiffen, then relax. Did I trigger something in him? Jesus Christ, I'm giving myself so many questions I can't possibly answer.

"You were given a Google IRL because you have been with the company for a very long time, (Y/N)." He states. What? I... I wouldn't have thought so. I only used their Google Drive and, occasionally, Google Plus.

"Uh, yeah, huh, okay..." I stayed silent, looking at him still. He didn't seem to mind, but the way he stared back at me. It made it uncomfortable, but I couldn't help myself.

"Hey... Google..." I began to say. I didn't even finish my sentence before taking an arm out and touched his face. Google didn't flinch away or anything, just kept his head still. It felt too real for my liking. I reached up to his hair and felt that, too. Everything about him was... too realistic. But it felt... nice. Shit, what am I doing? I'm touching this dudes' hair and face, Christ almighty. I stop before I get ahead of myself here.

"I-I'm sorry," I hesitated to speak. Google did nothing, and that's what's killing me the most. I want to believe this guy isn't a machine, that's he's... more like a roommate, or something, but I can't. There's so many emotions I can't describe with how I'm feeling towards Google. Everything is so awkward and cringe with him. But, I made a promise to not return him, and I hate making false promises. "I... I didn't mean to uh... t-touch you." My face flushed red. God. God. God. Fucking awkward as Hell.

"It's alright, I didn't mind. I can sense discomfort in you. You're also going to be late. It is currently 7:13."

Fuck. He's right. But, what am I going to do with him? Wait... I have an idea.

"Okay, Google." I state. He smiles pleasantly at me. I guess the creepy smile is gone for good. I'm glad, and I smile back.

"What would you like me to do?"

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