Aelin and Sam see each other again.

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  Pine and snow, that's all Aelin was thinking as she fell between worlds.

  « Come back to me, » Rowan had said before she had taken Dorian's hand and she had that intention. She saw worlds of peace, worlds of internal flames, worlds of darkness, world after world she saw as she descended.

  For a second, she hoped that an oak smell would fill her senses once again. It was once possible, it had happened with her dear lost friend. It was a fool's hope she told herself, it wouldn't happen, and if it did, she was falling so fast, too fast. The person she was longing to talk to, to say sorry to, would never have time to even recognize her, she changed so much.

  She hoped until that sweet oak smell appeared, she was slowed down and propped on her feet. Aelin's heart was beating so fast, it was going to be ripped right out of her. She didn't understand what or who had slowed her down, it couldn't be true. Until she saw him, his slim and muscular form standing before her. Maybe the gods had given her one last favor before they vanished. His deep golden brown eyes filled with happiness, not a single scratch on him, intact and safe. He gave her his brightest smile as choked cry came out of her.

  A tear ran down her face as he said, « I was never afraid, you were safe ».

« Did you hear me? » was all she said. Aelin couldn't understand what was happening. All those long nights where she dreamed she would she him again. Aelin pinched her forearm to see if this was true, real, not some illusion. The gods knew she wasn't new to those.
  « Yes », as he took a step towards her, « I was always by your side, watching over you until you cleared that dark path and you found happiness again. With him, you were happy, my job was done and I could rest. » another tear came free. « I must say that you always get yourself a pretty face. » Aelin laughed.
« You know me, I only take beautiful faces, I would never waste those voluminous and breathtaking beautiful lips to an awful face. » Sam laughed, he loved her for to arrogance and those badass comments.
  Aelin stopped laughing and said « I miss you, everyday, and I'm so sorry for what happened. I wish I could have done something, I tried. I will never forgive myself. »
  Sam brushed his hand on her arm and took her hand as he said « I will never blame you, so don't do that to yourself. I will always love you and I wish we could have had more time. But if that was what it took for you to be happy, for you to survive and soon become Queen, it was all worth it. I would do it all against, I would endure it a thousand times for you, if it meant protecting you. »
  She knew he was honest, he always was. She hugged him deeply and whispered « I love you too, always ». She wanted to stay and maybe see all of those that she lost, but this wasn't the time.
  « I know », was all he said.
  « I want to stay and tell you everything but.. », and her voice broke. She felt awful and selfish for putting her mate first, she had prayed for this moment to the gods for so long, to have this, but she couldn't stay.
  « I know, I will see you again, after a very, very long life, and I can't wait to hear about all of it, and to finally meet the one who kept you alive, your mate. Remember that I am here for you, above your shoulder and always protecting you. »
  « Thank you, Sam, for everything. I will always be grateful that you came into my life and taught me that time is limited. That I shouldn't be selfish and share.. »
  He cut her off and told her « Don't worry, I found lilac shampoo! ». Their tears were mixed with laughter. He clasped her hand even tighter, urging her, « You have to go, he's waiting for you, try not to give him too many heart attacks, you know he's old! »
  She gave him a final embrace and stepped away.
  « I love you » was all you said, before he released his grip on her, that kept her with him. Sam would miss her, but the love she shared with the prince was all he ever wanted for her.
  Aelin brushed away her tears, silently promising herself that one day, after her long immortal life, she would see him again.
Once again, she was falling into worlds until her favourite smell went into her nostrils, home, the smell of pine and snow. She would fight and live, for Sam. Her soul came back into her body and Rowan's hands were on her, keeping her from crashing on the hard floor a heartbeat later.

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