Mates with Azriel

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As you're walking through Velaris, you can't stop thinking of how lucky you are to have this life. To have a mate that cherishes you and only for you will all of his walls crumble. That after all you've been through you finally found happiness.
Childhood had been really hard, it had destroyed you. Growing up, fake smiles were essential. Behind yours, the truth was hidden, your mother was selling herself in the court of nightmares, specifically with Keir. Your mother would hit you, and send men every night to your chamber after you reached womanhood.

The truth about your birth had been hidden from your birth father, no one knew who he was, maybe a client or a secret lover. Maybe he knew about your existence and just didn't care. From the moment your mother had laid eyes on you, she knew she could get good money from you and she did. Her heart was made of stone and freezing blood traveled through her, she would slap you and spit in your face when you disappointed her. There was no escape from it, except death.

Morrigan was the one who saved you from ending it all, you too were the best of friends, the only light in each other's lives. Your mother was by Keir's side, as a whore.

When Mor slept with Cassian and destroyed the alliance, you had to watch your best friend get tortured by her father, you had to endure her screams. Knights had to hold you down. Seeing her get torn apart and then dumped on the borders of the Autumn Court was your breaking and awakening.

Your power had flooded through the torture room, true and raw power. It was so strong that mountains had shaken during it. The force they had to use to hold you down was so strong that even after centuries you still had hands marked on your body, permanent marks around your neck, arms, legs, ... Those scars had become trophies for you, the significance of the love you have for your dear friend.

After what had happened with Morrigan and the awakening of your powers, Keir had imprisoned you in the deepest dungeons, keeping you there for his experiences. The only time you would get out is when he would make a spectacle out of you.

The years you spent hidden were worse than your whole childhood. After a while shadows had started to curl around the walls. They would run along your legs, caressing you. They would whisper comforting thoughts and sing to you. They had become friends, not once did you think that after everything, shadowsinger powers had filled you. Out in the open, they would hide beneath the little privacy you had.

Then one day,  Rhysand was in the Hewn city, a couple of years before the war, he recognized you. Keir was always careful about when you could come out, he didn't want anyone, who could potentially save you, recognize you. Rhys wasn't even High Lord yet but acted as if and people would worship the ground he walked on in fear they would end up with their body parts severed from each other.

When Keir brought you out for everyone's amusement, Rhys had entered and people started dropping dead as he laid his gaze on you. Rhys had you sent up to the house above the city and Keir didn't enjoy the results of all his actions, Rhys and two other males you did not recognize made sure of it.

You spent days up there reading, sleeping or just staring in one direction. Rhys gave you all the privacy you needed. Then one day, a chipper voice ran through the corridors leading to your rooms. Mor was here, she was in one piece and safe. You spent hours weeping in the crook of her shoulder.

She explained her absence and apologized for everything. As she was talking, you could see that she was finally happy and envy mixed with questions flooded through you.

"Where have you been all this time?!", power flooded through the walls, anger for being left behind was heating you up.

Your friend took your hand in hers and squeezed a little, "Okay, please let me explain. I've been in this secret city, protected by all the High Lords of the Night Court through thousands of years."

Your perplexed look was your only answer. Never letting go of your hand, she explained everything. After she finished, you followed her.

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