A date with Cassian

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Little note: to build this story I changed the initial story to fit with my story. Exemple, what happened in hybern was changed a bit, Nesta and Elain are not there. All the credit still goes to SJM.
After centuries of being alive, your birthday was no longer important to you. Especially after those 49 years trapped under the mountain. The day everything changed, Rhysand had asked you to be his date to Amanratha's ball and it resolved in being the worst idea possible. You only had agreed to it because of the ferocious reaction Cassian had released. He wasn't happy about it, back when everyone was pretty sure both of you were mates. Deep down the bond was there, still hidden and both of you had strong feelings, but because of his history with Mor.. it scared you. Aso, both of you were filled with fear that the other wouldn't feel the same.

It was written in the stars that you belong together. Since you had met him centuries ago in windhaven, the same day you had met Az. The same day Mor gave herself to Cassian. It wasn't her fault, you hadn't told her how your heart had skipped in his presence.

You had grown up in Velaris, your father was Rhysand's father best General and your mother was his mother's friend. Rhysand was a couple months older than you, and since birth you had been best friends. Even with the distance, but both of you had Daemiti powers. Growing up you would often travel between the Hewn city and Velaris, everytime you would enter the awful city, Mor would be waiting for you, sometimes with Rhys, but it would depend where he was.

When you felt the curse creep on you, Rhysand was instantly by your side, hand in hand. Your mind went to the person who kept you alive, Cassian, and he was waiting for you. Rhysand was giving orders and goodbyes, his hand keeping you from falling to the ground and screaming.

"Cass?", you said in his mind, with tears already trying to get free, you couldn't show your weakness, Cassian was your weakness. Amarantha was smiling on her throne as she was preparing herself to curse you all. Wards were already up, blocking you from winnowing away to safety and free from the curse.

"I'm here love, don't panic.", you could feel his sadness on the other side. That nickname he used had sent butterflies in your stomach, a small gesture he knew would make you feel better.

"Cass, I need you to know something." It wasn't fair, you hadn't had any time with him, you didn't have the time to say how you felt, the time to feel his skin hugging yours.

"I know", he said

"No you don't, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. But I need you to know that I lo-"

Something was snatched from you, opening your chest in two. A screaming pain filled you as you realized Rhys had separated the bond with Velaris. Collecting both your powers together to solidify Velaris' wards, to protect it from Amanratha. He also solidified your own metal wards, to protect the truth but without snatching it away from you. Those wards forbidden you from any communication to those you loved, Cassian. It's for the better, it's to protect them, you mentally told yourself.

You stared into Rhys' eyes and sent him a thought, "I didn't have time to tell him."

"Keep that thought and tell him when we'll see all of them again, I didn't let you finish because I know it's going to help you fight." He knew you too well, you would fight to be able to tell Cassian in person how you feel.

Your bond with Rhysieboo, as you called him, had only solidified even more Under the Mountain. Amarantha would always use you against Rhys, to hut him. Also because she liked seeing you tortured and broken on the floor, but never had you given up. Every blow and every broken bone was a reminder of who was protected. Never would you let Amarantha hurt any of them.

When you came out from the darkness, your soul was destroyed. You could still feel Amanratha's soldiers' and generals' hands upon you. Rhysand and you had lived through the same thing. Every night after doing your job you would meet in front of the fire and rest your heads against each other, filling the air with prayers that one day you would get out and see Velaris' night sky. Both of you would never talk much, it was too dangerous, instead you would use your powers to communicate and develop eye talking. You would give each other certain looks and you instantly would know how the other felt.

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