A flight with Azriel

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Art credit: castleintheskky

"Come on, love, we're going for a ride", Azriel purred as he entered the room and walked up to you, a glint in his dark eyes, they were prowling down your body. Eating up every single inch of his possession. His wings were untucked behind him, his hair lightly damp, he looked ravissant.

You prowled closer to his warm body, your hand running up his Illyrian training leathers, feeling his hard chest underneath the leather and the straps. He tensed up, not from fear or worry, but because he was puffing up. Proudness filled him up, the urge to impress his mate. Your other hand came up to cup the back of his neck,feeling the soft texture of his skin underneath your fingers inching up to play with his silky hair, the other still resting against his chest.

"Oh I might very well like that sort of ride", you purred back, your lip resting in between your teeth. Your big eyes peered up at him, observing his beautiful sharp features. He gazed right back, as he shifted on his feet, the mating bond squeezing like a vice from his side, you squeezed right back. Only you, unsettled your mate. Or Cassian, whenever he was in that sort of mood.

He chuckled, " I was thinking something different, but I might very well change our plans for the night, if my dearest wishes. Is that something you would like, love? You and I, in bed, a mess of tangled limbs. Both clinging to sanity as we ravaged each other." He said those words, in a low tone, each word emphasized to make your knees weaker by the moment, his lips so close to yours.

You bit your lip even harder, warthm pouring in between your thighs as you lightly rubbed them against each other, blindly searching for some friction. Your cheeks were heating up. His hand grazing your thigh upwards. His gaze dipping to your legs, noticing the mouvement. You were already ready for him, as if you were in any other state with his warm solid body near yours. Watching Az train had worked you up and had positioned you on the tipping line of insanity, as you craved his touch. Your mate bent his head, his lips leaving light kisses up and down your collarbone, leaving you in a mess for him.

Your hand clutched onto one of the straps, "Well, if you did have something planned, I wouldn't mind doing that, especially if it ends with us both in ecstasy." You pressed against him, taking in all he was, feeling all he was.

"Always, love, all our days will always end that very way. Me, in between your legs, licking and kissing every inch of your body as I pound into your hot core endlessly", Azriel purred in your ear, before nipping it.

He backed away, snatching your hand into his and twirling you around. You shrieked in surprise, your hand flying to my mouth as he dipped you and pushing it aside to claim your lips. His tongue brushing the seam of yours and opening them, you moaned into him, arching up your back, as you straightened you both, and brushed your braid back with the untucked hair. Your hand traveled further, reaching for one of the special places on his wings that would bring him as much to his knees as he was making heat pour in between your thighs.

Your mate snagged your hand, "No, no, my love, that is for later. I promise. Or else we'll never leave this house." He pulled back, taking your hands into his, he guided you to the seating area. With flushed cheeks and out of breath, you sat down onto his lap, his arms caging you in. His breath against your neck, chills running up and down your spine, tingling sensations in your core.

When you looked into his eyes,  his eyes focused entirely on his everything. His gaze sharp as he took you in, darting across every centimeter of your body, not in a heated way, his look was searching, a checking up way. Noticing if anything was wrong. When he looked back into your eyes, a grin tugged to his lips. He tucked a wild strand of hair behind your ear as he left a light kiss on your lips, you were almost begging for more, but contained yourself as his features hardened again.

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