Rowan Heals You

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The green plains were an expansion in front of your eyes. The bright sun was a glow upon your face. The warm summer breeze ran through your hair, a refreshing comfort. Further down, the birds were singing , everything was peaceful. The peace you had fought sweat and tears to have.

Your hand had a firm grip on your sword, the hilt was made of Terrasen's wood. It's essence vibrated through you. There was a bright jewel on its pommel. The same jewel that ornamented your finger, emerald. The blade's twin had a ruby garnishing its pommel.

Your opponent was tough. His strikes were unforgiving, but every single time both of your blades crashed and pushed each other back. Aedion's ragged breath echoed through the plains and sang with your own. His hair was unbound and the wind kept blocking his view, and yours flowed freely behind.

The white wolf had some steam to burn, with every heartbeat the swings of his sword were more and more hard. It was starting to be difficult to keep up. You braced your feet on the soil, bent your knees and engaged your core. Aedion twisted in the air, you parted sideways but he was too fast.

Your foot got caught in a root and his blade made contact. A wave of pain flooded through you, from your arm to your soul. A gasp broke out and your body spamed. Blinding pain was a bright fire in your core.

As your knees hit the floor a scream echoed through the plains. Your shirt was torn from your back to your elbow. The wound started in the middle of your back to the middle of your upper arm. It was deep, a couple of inches and blood flooded from it like a river.

Aedion crashed to your side and pressed his hands to your wound to stop the bleeding. "I'm sorry Aelin. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I was in my head and my rage got the best of me."

Silver lined your eyes as you said, "Anger management classes will be your birthday gift." You didn't bother to hide the bitterness from your voice. Aedion's eyes stared straight into yours, they were filled with sorrow.

Your cousin took his hands off your body and took off his shirt. You heard a tearing sound and you felt the firm material pressure the bleeding, it didn't do much help but he was trying.

A war cry was heard and flapping sounds were approchoaching, Rowan. Through the bond he had felt the skin and muscle tore. From the moment your knees had made contact with the land he had soared into the clouds.

The thud from his feet landing on the ground made Aedion shiver. Your eyes landed on your mate. His nostrils flared, smelling the damage. You manage a smile. Aedion's hands pressing on your wound were there one second and the next they were gone.

You heard a grunt and a fist connecting with flesh. You hadn't even seen him move. Rowan held Aedion against a tree by the neck. His snarls made the plains shudder. His nails pierced your cousin's neck. "Rowan", you whispered. Your mate whirled in your direction. Aedion fell to the ground and Rowan was instantly by your side. His hands were soft on your body as he examined your wound. He tore his shirt apart and applied pressure with it. His face full of disgust and he threw Aedion's ruined shirt in his direction.

His fingers lifted your face, so your eyes would meet his. He kissed your brow and whispered, "Everything will be fine, I'll take care of you and then I'll kill the bastard." You smiled. He carefully picked you up in bridal style, while still applying pressure.

Rowan looked towards Aedion's bloody face. "Better start running, I won't be far behind." With that Rowan started running, the wind rushed by your side. You closed your eyes and after for what felt like seconds you were already in your chambers.

Rowan set you down and your shared bed and you flipped onto your stomach. He kneeled down and helped you take off what remained of your shirt. His eyes were filled with fury intertwined with misery. A tear ran down his face as he thought about you being in pain.

His hand ran through your hair while the other was by your wound. "Just close your eyes and it'll be quick." You didn't do as you were told and a grin revealed a dimple on his face. He shook his head and his fingers grazed your wound. His eyes were hard, concentration filled them. Your own were on him, examining every inch of his tight face.

A shiver ran down your spine as you felt him in your blood. His magic caressed your cheeks and went to your back. It tickled a little bit, but a warm feeling spread through your limbs. Your flesh and muscles rejoined as his magic worked his way down. His head was now against yours.His breath was hot on yours cheeks. He sent warm love through his magic and it filled you. He was in you, warming you up. A smile was spread on your face as the last centimeter was healed.

It was all gone, it would be a little sore for the next hours but everything would be okay. You reached out and your fingers touched his face. You cupped his cheeks and kissed him. "Maybe he felt the need to give me a new wound, since mine are... you know." You tried to make a joke but miserably failed as you saw his emotions changed. Anger was plastered on his features.

"It's not funny, you could have seriously hurt my fireheart. Please forgive me for his death." His lips were tight in a line.

You pulled him forward and wiggled your nose against his. Your hand was in his hair as you purred, "Territorial buzzard".

A grin replaced his anger. "Definetly, but I'll let you rest, you need it."

"Now you think I need rest? That's not what you thought last night and this morning, before training, after breakfast. Should I go on?"

He chuckled and kissed your brow before standing up. "Rest fireheart. I promised the cook I would bring back dinner. Time for hunting." His mischievous smile was on and you knew Aedion was in trouble.

"Please stay with me", you begged, "I really need you." You inclined your head sideways and puckered your lips, a pleading look on your face. He sighed and spread himself by your side. You moved and nestled your head against his chest.

You only had time to breathe him in before someone crashed in. Fenrys' voice was loud, "Rowan, what the hell are you doing? We need to go get that bastard and teach him a lesson. He must never lay a hand on her again."

"I'm coming", he kissed your cheek and got up, the bed groaning. He walked towards Fenrys and waved goodbye, "Sorry fireheart, but nobody messes with what my heart belongs to."

The door closed as you heard Fenrys' war cry. You shifted and noticed that Rowan's sword, with a ruby on it's pommel, was gone. You sighed and got up to dress up.

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