A baby with Azriel 1

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*A little note: contains spoilers for ACOSF*

The sun's heat was beaming on your soft skin. A soft breeze made your hair sway. The quiet baby was peacefully sleeping in your arms. The babe was sucking his finger, a little drool droplet stained his onesie. Nyx stirred a little in his sleep. You gracefully stroked his cheek, his lips twitched and a little noise slipped from his lips.

The Inner circle was enjoying a quiet day out in the House's gardens. Having your nephew in your arms always made you shine with joy, the moment his tiny weight would reach you, a smile would illuminate your features.

Since you had arrived an hour ago, a weird feeling floated through the air. Everyone had gasped at your arrival. Smiles had spread through the crowd. Cassian had screamed in joy, Nesta elbowing him in his side, knocking the air from his lungs. You shrugged your shoulders and reached for Nyx. No one said a word about it, but their gazes pierced your skin.

"Where's Az?" Rhysand asked.

"He shouldn't be long, Az said he would come straight away here after his trip.", you said. Your mate had left four days on an "errand" for Rhysand, you missed him terribly.

As you looked down to the little bundle of joy settled in your arms, Morrigan strolled in with alcohol in hand. "I've got wine!! Who's drinking with me?"

You raise your hand to offer your friend some aid, but Rhys cut you right away. "I don't think so, Az-", he cut his trail of thought. Tension built itself in the room. The High Lord glanced towards Feyre and then in your direction, "We want a night off, you wouldn't mind taking care of Nyx?"

"Oh of course not. I don't mind taking care of the little guy, he's an angel." You smiled towards everyone, their shoulders slumped as if stress left their bodies. You didn't understand what was going on, they knew something you didn't.

Mor changed the subject, she babbled about this new boutique on the banks of the river. Laughter echoed as Cassian shared his stories. A smile was splattered on your face, you were happy to be with your family but something was wrong.

At some point you couldn't stand it anymore. "What is going on? Did I do something? Why shouldn't I be allowed to drink with Nyx in my arms?.." You babbled a bunch of questions. Your family had a small smile on their lips.

A crashing noise was heard all through the corridor leaving to the gardens. Your mate emerged from the House panting, his eyes full of wonder settled on you. His knees hit the floor, a terrible feeling surged through you. Shadows crept around you, an embracing touch. His love caressed you through the bond.

"You're pregnant", the air was knocked out of your lungs. You reached down to your belly, feeling the life inside. Tears of joy left your eyes.

Those words meant the world to you. The world tilted into a shining pool of happiness. Someone took Nyx from you. Your knees shook as you stood up to join your mate.

Each step in his direction seemed to last an eternity. He was kneeling on the floor, his wings in a relaxing form, his shoulders, usually tense, were slumped. Tears were streaming down his dipped face. As you walked in his direction, his face tilted upwards. His eyes met yours, full of wonder and love.

You stood in front of him, your hands closed in around his face. Your fingers stroked his soft cheeks, brushing the tears away. His arms wrapped around you. His face nestled against your stomach. He whispered thanks to the cauldron with soft whispers of love to you and your unborn child.

You kneeled down to his height, lower since you're shorter. One of his hands instantly cupped your face, his lips crashed on yours. They were soft at first. But it became hungrier. As if you were out of air and reaching on to dear life. Your hands were in his hair, tugging him even closer to you.

Whistles startled you. Your lips separated, but Azriel held you close, his arm around your waist, his other hand on your stomach.

Cassian and Rhys were laughing, "Come on brother, let her breathe a bit. She's going to run out of air." Az smiled, but his territorial side growled through the bond. Something told you Az would be ravishing you tonight, he would make you scream his name, thanking you for this new joy. You had started trying a couple years ago, after everything you both lived through, the cauldron blessed you.

Your family crossed the distance and hugged, kissed, and congratulated you. They were so happy to have a new baby in the family.

Cassian snagged you and threw you in the air. A shriek flew from your lips. The ground wasn't under your feet, your members were dangling in the air for a second. The next, Az had you in his arms. He landed on the ground, Cassian was laughing but abruptly stopped as his gaze landed on his brother.

"I suggest that you should run", Rhysand muttered under his breath. Az took a powerful step forward, but you stopped him right away. You walked towards Cassian and placed yourself in front of him, a protection barrier.

"My love, move away from my prey." Az said with a murderous smile on his lips.

"Please Az, let's keep this a happy moment. Cassian wasn't trying to hurt me, he isn't that stupid. Sometimes his happiness takes over him and foolishness overrides." You shrugged with a raise of your shoulders. Az had to see that you were okay.

He calmed down, strode to your side and embraced you. Over your shoulder you felt him bare his teeth to his brother. Cassian's roar earned him a jab from Nesta, who gave you a warm smile. It wasn't always easy with her, but she was part of the family now.

Everyone went back to their seats and conversation rose again. You were nestled on your mate's lap, his arm protectively around you, his other hand lying on your stomach. Throughout the night he kept promising you a ravishment later. Your child wasn't even born yet and he or she already brought a load of happiness. Azriel would be an amazing father, you were certain of it.

"Thank you Love, for giving us this gift. I love you so much. This child will be perfect. I was blessed with you two centuries ago, and now another miracle, I don't-", Az said against your neck as he left small kisses.

You stopped him right away, "Yes Az, you deserve it. After everything you've been through and I've been through, we deserve to be happy. Can you imagine, our baby will be a year younger than Nyx, they will be so close." Az warmly smiled and his love blossomed through the bond.

" Better start working on it Nes, if we want another baby bat trio", Cass said with a wink in his mate's direction.

"Wanna go?"Nesta replied. Cassian's ferocious grin told you everything.

As you watched them go, this terrible feeling settled into you. Feyre had almost lost her life, due to her illyrian form. You would certainly meet the same end, but this time, Nesta wouldn't be there to save you the way she did with her sister.

"Oh and before I go, you're okay." You raised your eyebrows in Nesta's direction. "I mean you are okay to have this baby, I made sure of it. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to pressure you since I didn't know if you wanted babies. Sorry, I should have-"

You didn't let her finish. You ran to her, and hugged her. "Thank you, thank you so much, I'll forever be grateful", you said.

"I knew you were thinking about that, your expression betrayed you."

You turned in your mate's direction, "Weren't you afraid?"

"I already knew it", he said before adding,"I mean I felt it." He winked in your direction. You smiled as a blush covered your features. He walked in your direction, swepted you into his arms and soared to the skies. All the way to the house, you kissed his neck and his face. Azriel made you extra grateful to have him into your life that night.

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