Azriel puts you to sleep after an accident

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As promised, here it is. It took longer than I thought but something came up.
Art by kolumnist


You stirred from a deep sleep.

Your mind was all foggy, the edges blurred up.

You felt as if you had been flying with Az in the skies, on a soft night where the clouds were puffy. You could feel their lightness and their emptiness as Az flapped you through it. You loved the soft feeling of them on your skin. His arms cupping you close to his chest, never letting you farther than a millimeter. His breath on your cheek as he flapped all of your problems away. You felt as if I had been in a sweet soft cocoon of love, like whenever his fingers would brush against yours or even when his eyes would settle on yours, a smirk on his lips.

That's when you would feel weightlessness, loved and cared for. But now, there was a pain that accompanied that happiness.

You slowly opened your eyes, that had been sealed shut for a while. Your vision slowly cleared up, the swirls of dark paint on the ceiling slowly becoming clearer than colour spots. The swirls, a  representation of Az' and your shadows. They came from the room's two farthest extremities of the room, closed up on themselves. Then, unfolding, reaching out and colliding into each other in the middle, twirling and fussing together.

Your shadows were a part of you but had a soul and a mind of their own, everyday fighting for your happiness, while loving the other's shadows. Your shadows had brought you and Az together. They had arranged setups for you two, without either of you knowing, guarding you against predators and having Az sweep in and protect you, but having you protect your mate just as much.

Your skin was burning hot, an aching pain, feeling as if fire was dancing on you. Your head was pounding.

You still could not believe that Cassian had once proposed fire play for you and Az, he would be so ignorant sometimes but always wanted the best for his loved ones, only that sometimes he failed at the procedure part. Cass had talked about it after a fight with your mate, even hen angry you would lash out and defend your mate by screaming bloody murder. Cassian came out with a few scars, radiating with proudness from how hard you had fought with him. Cass and Az had taught you everything, they felt proud whenever you could stand your ground.

Az had been shocked by his brother's words at first but smiled when he saw you spring on your toes and throw that dagger that was always strapped to your thigh, a twin to Az's dagger.

" Hi, love, it's all right. Everything will be alright ", your mate whispered softly as his lips kissed your brow. His hand stroked your hair back, they were sticky and wet from your sweat. Every word sounded pained, his face readable. Azriel hated seeing you in pain, in any discomfort at all.

You were sprawled in your bed, clothed in Az's dark long sleeve shirt, wearing clothes was a rare sight in your bedroom.

You still remembered that sweet dream that had haunted you before waking up. His long fingers driving in and out of your heat, his other hand digging in your side, keeping you close and immobile. His lips ravaging you and his tongue dancing with yours, tasting his drink he had drank while watching you read a special book. Your legs brushing against each other for some friction had taunted him badly.

Your moans echoing in the room. Az's long member once in a while twitching in your hand as you mimicked your mate's mouvements. His groans encouraging to go faster, or slower to tease him, but he would just mirror you and tease you even more by just stopping completely. It would only get you to start making him feel good even more.

You came back to reality, snapping out of your dream state.

You sighed and his voice sounded louder this time, " Love? " , your eyes creating a fusion with his, granting him your full attention. His hand went to cup your jaw, tilting your head so you perfectly looked at him. He was your whole world. He was everything right in your world.

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