Lucien, the new High Lord

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A tiny difference from usual, there's some confrontation. If SJM plays out the theory that Lucien is Helions's son this way I will be so pissed. So this is a warning Sarah, Lucien needs to know, so does Helion. Love you though<3

"Helion is your father", someone said.

"Helion has fallen, he is dead", a voice added.

"Lucien, you are to be High Lord", another calmly explained.

These were only words Lucien uttered following the unveiling of the news, "Elain, my love, can you.."

You swallowed hard, your hands trembling as you explained everything that had just been said over again for your mate. He had not heard a thing. "Your mother, she- she, um, she had an affair with Helion for years. He is your father, but we do not know if he was aware." His eyes were fixed entirely on you ever since the first words were spoken. He had fixed you as Rhys talked, as Feyre added her intel. He deeply starred as Azriel explained all the things he had gathered with the help of his spies.

He heard it, he really heard it all for the first time. You definitely believed he would not believe it if you were not the one to deliver the news. You watched your mate's face fall as the news dawned on him. Lucien was sitting in the parlor of the River House, his head bent, shoulders slumped. His knees were parted and you easily slipped between them, he widened them for you. His eyes came back to stare into yours, you settled your hand on his thick thighs, touching him so that he knew that you were there, constantly by his side.

You continued, "Your- the High Lord of the autumn court eventually found out. Azriel thinks that the man was aware that your mother went to see elsewhere during your marriage for quite a while back then, that's why she paid the price on a daily basis from the start of their marriage. We did not find out how long the affair lasted but it ended a little before she became pregnant with you, a little after or when it was not visible yet." Your grip tightened on his knees, "Your mom, she had letters destined to him. Dated up to an hour after she left Helion's court for the last time. After your father had made her end her affair. Az was able to retrieve a few ones. The Cauldron knows I do not want to know how he did that." You muttered the last part under your breath, a misplaced chuckle was heard from the corner of the room, not the right moment for any amusement. You did not turn in his direction.

"In those letters your mom was proclaiming her love and such things. Day after day she  recounted events, telling him everything through her writing as if he were by her side. She wrote down every hit she took, every blow. She wrote down every single detail about you. Such as your first steps, words or signs that Helion's magic had transferred to you." He took your hands into his, his eyes closing. "Lucien, she loved you so much. You know that she did everything for you, darling, she cared so much. She was protecting you. She wanted him to know about you so much, but it would have ended in a catastrophic disaster. Your father always had his suspicions but since your mother shared his power, he never could be quite sure. That's until he found the letters. Helion was poisoned and Azriel thinks it your father who did it, since the liquid that was used only can be procured from a plant that grows in that court. It happened a few hours ago, he was found in a disastrous state. Beron might have found the letters in your mother's possessions and lost it. Her things were scattered all over her quarters."

Your mate's mother had passed away, that was the story the Autumn court was running with, a little over a year ago. Beron had probably killed her during one of his beatings. Lucien had left the radar for a week, not a single emotion had been felt through the bond, following the arrival of the news. As much as you were mad for his disappearance, you had greeted him with open arms. Holding him through the pain as his body shook with the force of his sobs. Rubbing his back and kissing his head, being present for him.

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