Rhysand is Drunk

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Note: Happens after ACOSF, but feyre (you) is not pregnant yet. The storyline is still the same as in the books but the pregnancy did not happen yet, hence Nesta still has that ice in her eyes, since she still has her full powers.

The sun had barely come out when you had cracked open your eyes and shook out your sleepy limbs when you got up that morning. Rhys had not even been there to kiss you good morning or hold you as you emerged from your sleep. He had urgent business in the Hewn city to deal with, and with Mor away, it would occupy his whole day. Plus he needed to deal with it himself. That meant he had people to put back into their right places. You sent him a warm caress through the bond to encourage him. His anger had been a constant rumble from his side of your mate link.

It had been a long day at the Studio. Laughter, grinning faces and beautiful art filled your day. Ressina had left Velaris a week ago to gather special supplies for a surprise project for one of the younger groups and came back not feeling so well. In order to let her properly get back on her feet, you had given her a few days off, not that you minded one bit. You sometimes liked the peaceful silence that knocked on the door after each group left. It accompanied you while you cleaned up and prepared for the happy chaos that the next class brought in with them.

With a sore back and paint stuck to your hair and clothes, you strode out of your little building and into the city's busy streets, people mingling here and there, all waving and giving you bright smiles as you passed them. You recognize a small girl from your last class of the day, walking with her father down the street. She beamed when she saw her mother walking towards them. The little girl ran up to her and brandished her piece of work from behind her back and showed it to her mother, her pigtails bumping up and down as she could not contain her excitement. They did not notice you as you observed their happy encounter.

With a smile you walked away, you still could not believe it sometimes. How people still smiled, some had lost more than you in the war. Some days were still difficult but you survived and were slowly starting to feel better. Your family, your mate, your sisters, they had all survived and that's what mattered, all were breathing.  A year after the war, the city was mostly patched up, but hearts were still shattered. Those little moments that you saw, where happiness filled one's face, always made you feel better.

You did not notice your sister's presence until she gently grabbed your shoulder, her hand leaving a cool feeling that seeped through your clothes. "Feyre", she seemed to repeat once more. You spun in her direction and looked into your eldest sister's eyes. Still filled with some ice, even if Cassian filled her days with giggles and love. Since the day she came back from the mountains, her body filled with scars, Cass had rarely let her out of his sight. Nesta did not mind, she was beyond in love with her mate. Still, that ice remained, it had melted for him, somewhat present for others or completely installed for the rest.

You spun your body to face her, grabbing her hand you said, "Sorry, Nesta, I was lost in thought."

"Is everything alright? Need me to kick Rhys's ass?", she said with an eager smile and a wink, "Cause I can and I will do it with pleasure."

You widen your eyes, gripping your side, a stutter on your lips, "How- How did you know-w? I did not- not think it was that obvious."

Nesta parted her feet, her body ready for a fight. Her eyes narrowed on you, fists ready. Your relationship had been rocky in the last months but when you finally pushed her to get better, your relationship slowly improved to a place where she cared for you as much as she once cared for Elain, their own relationship left to the ruins. Before your sister could utter a word, you grabbed her hand again and giggled, "Nes, breathe. I was joking around." She still did not appreciate her High Lord, only tolerated him out of love for her mate and you.

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