Chapter 24: Atlas

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The bullhead roared as it landed, the jolt of its impact awaking Y/N and Yang. Together, they slept the entire trip, and immediately they were hit with memories of two days prior, when Ruby had died. Y/N fished a fresh pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lighting one up and taking in the smoke. Yang's nose scrunched up at the smell.

"That's really unhealthy..." She muttered. Her little brother didn't respond. They sat up and stretched, their joints popping from the sudden movement. Not far, Ozpin was having a heated discussion with Qrow regarding Vao and Ruby. Y/N tuned them out. It wasn't that he didn't want to think about his sister; it was that he didn't want to get lost in his anger again. He tapped Yang's arm.

"C'mon. Let's go outside," he suggested. Yang nodded in agreement, following him as they put their winter clothes on. Yang still had her orange scarf, and now wore a jacket to protect herself from the cold weather. Underneath Summer's old cloak, Y/N had a vest on, his combat uniform's sleeves keeping his arms warm enough. The exited the bullhead, tensing up upon feeling the freezing weather.

Velvet was outside, a parka thrown lazily over her body and a beanie covering her ears. It was probably for the best; Faunus were hated in Atlas. She stared off into the distance, watching the bustling city. The siblings sat down next to her, joining her activity.

"... Atlas, huh? Just as cold as I thought it'd be..." Y/N muttered, taking another drag from his cigarette. Yang shivered next to him, the ends of her shoulder-length hair beginning to freeze. Protectively, Y/N wrapped his cloak around her, holding her close. She seemed hesitant, but shifted closer.

"Hey..." Velvet began. But she stopped herself. Y/N gave her a curious look.


The Maiden shook her head. "It's nothing... It's just, your Aunt is hospitalized here, right?"

Y/N grimaced and nodded. "Yeah... It's been a long time since I've seen her, but from what Qrow says, she's not in the best mindset." He felt his fist clench at the memory. First, Vao took Summer. Then he almost killed Raven. And now, Ruby. Y/N couldn't find it in his heart to forgive him, anymore. Yang noticed, and scooted closer, calming him down.

"Hey, someone's coming," Velvet pointed out. A group of seven people was approaching, four of them armed. Y/N's hand reached down for Crescent Rose, which was now tucked away behind his back. He still wasn't completely confident in using a scythe, but he had improved in the two days Qrow had spent training him. His uncle was a hard teacher, constantly pointing out his every mistake and scolding him for it. Y/N could hardly blame him; they were on a time crunch. He had to learn how to use the weapon as fast as possible. Yesterday, more than half the day was spent with Qrow yelling at him for improper hand placements.

The group stopped in front of the three, and Y/N could see them clearly. The four with weapons seemed to be soldiers, standing in am orderly manner with their rifles pointed at the snow. The two they seemed to be guarding, a man and a woman, were sharply dressed, standing taller than Y/N. One of them was a large, muscular man that Y/N recognized as General Ironwood. He couldn't recognize the woman though. She had long white hair tied in a neat ponytail, and stood with the aura of someone important. The seventh man was chubby, and had a long white lab coat, his hands lazily shoved in the pockets.

"Good morning, sir. Are you new to Atlas?" Ironwood asked politely. Y/N appreciated the courtesy.

"Yeah. I'm Y/N Rose. Didn't think the General would be interested in people on vacation."

General Ironwood's stern face didn't budge, and it made Y/N and Yang uncomfortable. Velvet, on the other hand, seemed cautious, her eyes never leaving the group. "... Mr. Rose, you should have been properly informed of why I am here. At the request of your superior, Ozpin, you are to reside in the Capitol building for the time you are here."

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