Chapter 22: Scalding Sands

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And we're back! It's been far too long since I've last updated! I'm going to be regularly updating chapters from now on, rather than slacking as I have lately. I apologize for making you all wait for so long!

Let's get right into it with a refresher!

Salem used the Relic of Knowledge to discover the Summer Maiden was hiding in Menagerie. Meanwhile, Y/N and Raven have both been recovering from the events of Haven. During this time between kingdoms, Y/N has begun to suspect Salem might be behind the nightmares of his past.

Now in Vacuo, Y/N seeks to acquire the Relic from Shade Academy. But on the horizon, an awful storm brews...


The desert sun bore down on the party as they trudged miserably into Vacuo City, sweat rolling down their faces. It was so hot Qrow had begun fanning himself off with his flask, and Y/N had to remove his cloak and tie it around his waist.

"What... is this ungodly heat?" Ren asked his eyes having become red from the sweat continuously burning them. Roman tried to answer, but all that came was a gasp for air.

"This... sucks..." Yang grumbled.

"My wheels keep getting stuck in the sand..." Ruby moaned. Y/N looked up, staring at their surroundings. Vacuo city was not how he expected. It wasn't like Vale, or Mistral. The majority of buildings were made from sandstone, and everything had an almost run down vibe. Some of the civilians were out in the street, penniless and wearing rags. Others had bloodshot eyes and just... sat there. And the ones who didn't look drugged up or homeless wore the traditional Vacuo-style clothing - robes, turbans, all matters of clothing that looked like it was too hot to be worn. Y/N turned to Qrow, a quizzical eyebrow raised.

"What's with these people? They don't look like they're in the best condition..." he mumbled. Qrow nodded.

"Yeah... most of them live terrible lives. Their money gets taken by the thief gang that literally controls the entire kingdom, and those that can't handle it either kill themselves or end up doing drugs. It's sad, really," he explained. Ruby looked mortified.

"That's horrible! Y/N, we have to help them!" She cried. The hero only shook his head.

"No. We have a larger issue to deal with, we don't have time to recklessly throw ourselves in danger trying to stop a bunch of thieves," he growled. Qrow grunted in agreement.

"Yeah. Besides, the one who leads the entire gang is the headmaster herself. The last thing we want is to make an enemy out of her."

Roman's eyes shifted from the town to the older man. "The headmaster is the one extorting this village?"

Qrow nodded. "Yes. Vacuo is very poor, even without the crime. She's probably using it to fund the Academy; or at least that's what I prefer to think."

"Stop your gossiping. We're garnering unwanted attention," Oscar whispered. Sure enough, some of the more wealthy-looking people had begun to stare at the company. Looking down at the sand, they begun to walk a bit faster. Along the way, Ren pointed towards the horizon. "Look at that!"

Everyone stopped and followed his finger. In the distance was a massive cloud of sand, so thick it looked more like a wall. It didn't seem to be coming closer.

"What... What the hell is that?" Yang asked. Qrow was the one to reply, a dumbfounded look on his face.

"Sandstorm, looks like. But..." He seemed hesitant. "I've never seen one that thick next to the city... Further in the desert, yeah, but so close to the academy?" Oscar seemed to be in thought.

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