Chapter 12: May We Never Change

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Disclaimer: The music and the video is not mine. The video belongs to Taylor Davis, and the music 'Ezio's Family' belongs to Jesper Kyd and Ubisoft. This is the song VAO will play for the school dance, so only press play when he starts.

And now it's time for the school dance. As we all know, Salem has been planning something, and now is finally the time for her to initiate the first part of her plan.

But as for the dance, everybody will have their partners. The time has come for Neo to enter the spotlight.

By the way, can any of you guess who's trust is broken in this chapter? Before you read the actual chapter, of course.

Salem and Emerald entered the laboratory, the former's eyes dark with concentration as she passed the many chemicals that layered the tables. At the far end was Watts, passed out on a table after having pulled three all-nighters to perfect the drug Salem ordered him to make. The Queen grabbed the small vial from the scientist's limp hand, staring at the crimson liquid with an emotion similar to adoration.

She had said it plenty of times before, but it truly was a marvelous creation. A drug capable of unleashing the violent, primal urges of man. The very drug in which destruction was inevitable, and a key ingredient to her ultimate plan. Carefully, she handed it to Emerald.

"Do not get caught. I'm sending you because your Semblance is most useful in a situation such as this. If you fail, I'll see to it that you simply vanish," Salem hissed. Emerald nodded, sweat rolling down her forehead in mass quantities.

"Then repeat your job to me," the Queen ordered.

"D-drug the n-nice one..." she whimpered. Salem nodded curtly. "That's right. And what else?"

"P-plant the certificate," Emerald answered, this time a little more confidently. Salem nodded again. "Precisely. Now move it, Beacon's school dance is tonight, and I don't want this plan to be ruined." Salem hissed, before turning on her heel and silently leaving the room. Emerald let out a sigh of relief, before turning to the sleeping scientist. Before she left, she took his wallet. She needed the money, anyway.


"I don't want to wear a tuxedo!" VAO whined, stomping his foot against the linoleum. Y/N sighed audibly. "Please don't throw a fit, we're in public..." he pleaded. Currently, team RTRN was getting ready for the Beacon dance, and were in a clothing store. They had split into pairs, Roman accompanying Neo to acquire a dress, while Y/N went to get suits.

"Why can't I just show up wearing this?" VAO asked, motioning to his current clothing. Y/N reeled back in disgust.

"Because you've been wearing the same clothes for three days! You have a freaking stain from last night's dinner!" He pointed at, staring at a dark red blotch down by his brother's stomach.

"You're the one who made burgers, not me!" VAO argued. Y/N shook his head and turned back to the clothing rack. "What's your size?"

"I'm five-foot-eight," VAO answered. Y/N physically facepalmed. "You little... I meant your clothes size, not your height!" The katana-wielder scolded. VAO seemed to think about it before shrugging.

"I dunno. I mostly wear baggy clothes, so I never really pay attention to the tags," VAO stated. Y/N sighed frustratedly before grabbing something that looked like it would fit his drunk brother, before picking out his own tux.

"There, we did it. Was that so hard, brother?" Y/N asked.

"I don't like this color," VAO replied flatly. Y/N turned around, a vein popping out of his forehead. "Color?"

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