Chapter 27: Reunion

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When Y/N woke up, he was staring at a metallic ceiling. Memories of nearly a week ago flashed vividly before him. The fall of Atlas, the murder of countless civilians and soldiers... And for what? A war that he never intended to be a part of. He had grown to hate his life, hate what he was doing. He felt like giving up. Sitting up in his rack, he winced at the pain that shot through his body, only calmed by the gentle rocking of the boat on the sea.

His body had taken massive damage. So much, he was having trouble recovering, even with the extensive use of his Semblance. Glancing at the nightstand next to his rack, he picked up his pack of cigarettes and his lighter, swinging his feet over the edge of the rack. He grunted as he stood up, limping towards the door and, with a little extra effort, swung open the door. What greeted him was a warm blast of salty air, helping him relax. He stepped into the deck, watching as a pair of sailors chatted up the survivors of Atlas.

Y/N had originally been against the idea of civilians coming aboard with them. They could die, following Y/N and his allies. But both Qrow and Ozpin insisted they'd be safer in Vale, and Winter backed them up. They weren't wrong, either: Grimm were a problem down where Mantle once stood. Had they stayed, Atlas would've been pushed to extinction as Vacuo had. Y/N could only hope for the best. Ignoring the sailors, he walked across the deck and to the ship's railing, leaning heavily on it and lighting his cigarette. He took a drag and held it in before blowing it over the ocean and staring deeply at the dark blue waters.

It wasn't long before a pair of footsteps approached him. He didn't turn, but he could make out Neo's distinct hair colors from the corner of his eye.

"Sup, Neo?" Y/N greeted quietly. He turned, remembering she couldn't speak.

[You shouldn't be moving around. You won't heal as fast as you need to], Neo signed. Y/N shook his head slowly, his neck popping with every movement.

"I have the right to smoke. If you're here to tell me I can't, you can buzz off."

Neo only stared at him sadly, before leaning against the railing next to him.

[... You've changed.]

Y/N snorted. Even almost laughed. "Have I?" In response, Neo shot him a glare.

[... Ass.]

Y/N didn't respond. He just stared emptily at the ocean, taking another drag from his cigarette. Neo sighed and continued signing.

[It's been a long time since we've talked properly. We haven't been around each other very often since the Vytal Festival...]

Y/N nodded. "... Yeah. About what, eight years now? Dust, I'm already twenty-six..."

Neo nodded, looking up at his face. From all those years ago, she could see the differences. His hair was almost down to his shoulders and unbrushed, truly a nest perfect for a bird. Stubble grew on his chin, and he didn't bother to shave it. Purple rings had formed under his eyes from lack of sleep, and his eyes had gone dull, devoid of any hope, the look of someone who barely had the will to continue. But what suffered worse was his personality. Where he was once filled with life and kindness, he had become a depressed husk, a shell of his former self. Indeed, he was not the same man he was back then. His personality and outlook had been long destroyed, only growing worse as time went on.

He was no longer the person Neo had become friends with so many years ago. She wondered if this was her fault. Perhaps if she had continued to talk with him, he would have maintained some of his former self. She had come to regret not speaking to him for so long. Not even after his sister died had she tried to console him. She felt like a total piece of shit.

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