Chapter 6: A Day with the Devil

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So this is going to be about Y/N's response to Ruby. As we all know, our MC is cold towards his sisters, so what chance is there that he'll see a reason to forgive?

But Y/N isn't the only one going through problems. Ozpin has grown suspicious of the past crimes of the brothers' family. What could turn such good people into horrendous villains, he wonders. Will he discover the truth? Or does he already know it, and prays he is wrong?

Y/N woke up to the sound of arguing. The pacifist clicked his tongue and rolled over, using his pillow to try and block out the noise, but to no avail. He could still hear the muffled voices outside of the dorm.

"You're such a jerk!"

"Well, excuse me, Ice Queen! What else am I going to do with a Sharpie?"

"Wait, that brand of marker's permanent!"

"Just like your new mustache."



Y/N threw the covers off in frustration, his sleep ruined as he marched towards the door and opened it. In the hall, VAO and Weiss were having an argument. Weiss had a big black mustache drawn on her face, and in VAO's hand was a marker. Y/N put his hands on his hips as he stared at the marker in his brother's hands, VAO hiding the artistic utensil behind his back.

"In my defense, she was asleep," VAO tried to save himself, but Weiss turned to him angrily.

"In my own dorm! How'd you even get in? I locked the door before I went to bed!" Weiss yelled. VAO held up a bent paperclip. "Easy, I picked the lock like a boss."


"Professor Port Jr."



Weiss stormed off angrily, leaving the two brothers alone in the hall. Or, it might be one brother now. Weiss hit VAO pretty hard. Y/N took the marker and put it in his pocket, holding out his hand to his brother. VAO accepted the gesture and cradled the large bump on his head. "You deserved that," Y/N laughed. VAO pouted. "Maybe I did... but now my head hurts!"

"Hey, at least it wasn't someone like Goodwitch," Y/N pointed out. A perveted smile crossed VAO's face.

"Yeah, she'd probably call me in for 'one-on-one detention', and use that riding crop to do something kinky~"

"That's gross!" Y/N said with his tongue sticking out. VAO punched him lightly in the shoulder. "Calm down. It was a joke," VAO said. Suddenly someone approached the two. It was Pyrrha. "Good morning!" She greeted with a smile.

"Gimme fifty lien," VAO said bluntly. Y/N bumped his brother with his elbow. "Good morning, Pyrrha. We were on our way to the cafeteria, you want to join us?" Y/N offered. Pyrrha nodded.

"That sounds lovely! Let's be on our way, then!" She said as the three made their way to the mess hall. The trio sat down at a table, each with their respective plates. Y/N looked hungrily at his plate, pancakes with a side of bacon.

VAO had a few eggs accompanied by a sausage, which he was currently using to make inappropriate gestures for his own amusement.

Pyrrha had a couple pieces of toast accompanied by a steaming cup of coffee. The spartan took a sip before she bit down on the toast, the crumbs falling to her plate.

"Y/N, look," VAO said as he held up his plate. Somehow, he managed to make his food look exactly like Jaune. "It's a masterpiece, isn't it?" VAO asked, his voice filled with pride.

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