Chapter 28: The Enemy Strikes (Part 1)

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WARNING: The following chapter contains a NSFW scene. You can skip it, but it does add to the story. It doesn't take the whole chapter, either. It also will be mentioned by a few of the characters. If you are not +18, please do not read it. I will mention when the NSFW scene happens and ends.

This chapter also contains more information about Salem's drug. It contains information about why Y/N never chose who he would be with (the story does contain romance, between our traumatized protagonist, Ren, and Neo). There are also long-awaited moments between Tai and Y/N, and the beginning of their relationship as father and son.

Enjoy the chapter.


Vao stormed away from the Seer, Salem watching as he left, slamming the great doors behind him. She sighed, turning to Hazel. "He's going to get himself killed. Ensure that doesn't happen," she growled. Hazel bowed his head, holding an open hand in front of him. Salem placed a vial filled with a crimson liquid in his outstretched palm, her glare hardening. "He's of vital importance to my plans. Do not fail me, Rainart," she hissed.

"Of course, My Lady," Hazel grunted before following after Vao.

The Branwen was already in his shared room. Tyrian was not there; Salem had sent him to Menagerie to ensure her control didn't weaken, leaving Vao alone. He threw open his closet and began throwing things aside, searching for items that could help him with his search. At his bedside, a golden lamp began to leak a blue mist, and soon a giant of a woman appeared, hovering above the Relic. Jinn, the genie of the lamp, had been taken into Vao's room some time ago by the Branwen. His motives were that he'd have someone to talk to when Cinder wasn't around, and Jinn wasn't in the place to object. The genie watched him curiously as he continued digging through the mess.

"... What are you doing, Troubled One?" She asked after a moment.

"None of your business. Don't call me that, either," Vao growled. Finally, he found what he was searching for. He held the dagger in his hand, sliding the sheath onto his belt and inspecting the blade. The dagger had been used to kill many of his opponents, given to him by Watts before he died. It had been somewhat of a secondary weapon for him. Vao put the blade back in his sheath and grabbed Grimm Demise, his signature battle-axe rocket launcher. He began to sharpen the dull blade, his solitary eye filled with fury.

Jinn just watched as he worked, her eyes filled a blank emptiness. "... Is this about the woman you visit every night? Cinder, I think you called her?"

Vao just nodded. "Yeah... I'm gonna get her back..." He muttered. Jinn rested her head against her palm.

"And how do you expect to do that? By killing everyone?"

Vao paused, before resuming his work. "No. I just want Cinder back. If I'm forced to fight, then that's just how it is.

Jinn's interest was peaked when he said that. She wondered if he was coming down from the effects of the drug. If that was true, then him leaving could very likely end in his death. He wouldn't fight with the same killer intent he did when he was fully drugged. She leaned forward. "Then why don't you stay here and trust in your friend's strength, Troubled One?" She suggested. "Do you wish to kill the little family you have left?"

The reaction Vao gave her was the one she hoped she would see. He froze, his hands trembling slightly. He lowered his weapon, seeming to contemplate his actions.

"I... I don't..." He admitted. But he lifted the axe again and resumed sharpening it, albeit a bit disheartened. "... But Cinder is in danger... She's the only one who seems to care if I'm dead or alive. Other than you, obviously," he muttered. "Even my brother wants me dead... Can't really blame him, though... In his eyes, I'm not considered family, anymore. I'm the guy who murdered his mother and sister, blinded his aunt, and nearly killed his only sister left. He probably thinks I'm coming for the rest of them. And sometimes, I am. Then there's also the fact I eat other people... Damn... What the hell is wrong with me?"

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