Chapter 13: Broken Bonds

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And we continue where we left off. The Vytal Festival is fast approaching. What will happen now?

In the previous chapter, RTRN was fractured. One of the team's members is gone, and all four of them are in a severe dispute. Ruby and Yang are on very bad terms with both their brothers. Tai and Summer are fearful of seeing the brothers again, due to the risk of losing their chance.

VAO will not make an appearance until the Vytal Festival. He will be mentioned, but he will not physically appear. This is about Y/N and how he's dealing with things.

There will also be dark themes ahead. This is an abuse story, remember.

It had been six days since the incident at the dance. Six days, and Y/N hadn't seen his brother. He didn't know where he was, and he wouldn't pick up any calls. The katana-wielder didn't blame VAO. He betrayed his trust, why should he be forgiving?

Y/N was sitting on his bed, half-heartedly reading a book that rested on his lap. He didn't really want to read, but he didn't want to confront anybody, either. Not like anyone was inviting him anywhere, anyway. Roman and Neo kept their distance, and so did JNPR. Well, save for Ren. He tried to visit when he could. Ruby and Yang visited, too. But Y/N always turned them away.

But for now, he was alone. Nothing in his book was sticking to his mind, and he'd have to flip back a few pages every now and then just to understand what was going on. He always dreamed he'd be a hero, like the ones in the stories. He dreamed that he'd save people, and make a change. It was a dream he shared alone - VAO never really cared, he more or less followed just to see what would happen.

But that's what made it special. It was Y/N's dream, and no one else's. But now, he could see his goals getting further away, threatening to disappear into the dark abyss of the mind.

All was quiet, the only sound being Y/N's breathing and the soft flip of the pages. So it was only natural he nearly fainted when he heard something hit the window. He put the book aside and stood up, opening the glass pane. A crow flew inside, and that crow became a man. Y/N recognized the man, and clenched his fists angrily. Qrow stretched his arms and back, getting a satisfying pop. He turned to his nephew, flashing him a smile.

"Ey, kid. Ruby told me you've been in a bad mood, so what's got your bunch in a panties? Wait, did I get that backwards...?" Qrow asked himself, before shrugging his shoulders and flopping down on VAO's bed. "Well, whatever. So what's up?"

"What's up? Just leave, I don't want anything to do with you," Y/N hissed, his words laced with venom. But Qrow seemed unfazed, he just leaned back and folded his hands behind his head. "Nah, I'm quite comfortable. This bed smells like the house," he stated.

"I said leave!" Y/N shouted, pointing at the door. But again, Qrow didn't respond to his anger, now kicking his feet up. "Ah, where's the T.V remote?" He asked, looking around. At this point Y/N was bubbling over with frustration. "Just get out of here! I don't consent to this!" The katana-wielder screamed. Qrow just sat there, staring at him with a blank expression.

"... Oum, it's worse than Ruby said..." he muttered. Y/N glared at him. "What was that!?"

Qrow sighed, before sitting back up. "I've been doing this gig for a long time. I'm no rookie when it comes to recognizing faces. You blame us for the whole fiasco a couple days ago, huh?" It wasn't asked like a question, it was stated. Like Qrow was pointing out facts. Y/N tensed his shoulders, his eyebrows arching downwards furiously.

"Of course it's your fault! If you...!" Y/N stopped, trying to find an excuse. Qrow took this opportunity to cut him off.

"Yeah, cut the crap. Don't go blaming innocent people for your actions," he told him. Y/N glared at him, his hands curling into tight fists. Qrow eyed his hands with amusement. "Gonna hit me? I'd like to see you try," he challenged. Y/N lost his cool and charged at his uncle, throwing a punch towards his face. But Qrow redirected his attack and twisted his arm until his hand touched his shoulder blade. In an instant, Y/N was restrained.

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