Chapter 16: The Beginning

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And here we are; the end of the what I call the Beacon Arc. This is the final chapter of Y/N and VAO's childhood, and the beginning of their adulthood. I call it the Adult Arc.

VAO opened his eyes, his breaths heavy and labored. His vision was blurry, but he could make out the dark stone underneath him. The shuffling of feet echoed around him, and he scanned the area. His eyes adjusted, and he could make out a gleaming pair of golden eyes staring back at him. The eyes flickered with excitement, before moving closer. VAO let out a small whimper of fear as he backed away. He backed away until the wall stopped him, and the figure came closer, leaning forward until their noses almost touched. With the stranger so close, VAO could now make out their appearance.

It was a man, a man with a scary smile stretched unnervingly wide. He had brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, and a slim, narrow head. The man was thin, but not an unhealthy thin. VAO could see the muscles underneath his shirt. The man breathed heavily, his face tinted pink.

"You're really pretty..." he whispered in a raspy voice. VAO felt like screaming. He wanted to run. He wanted someone to help him. But he knew that wouldn't happen. He didn't even know where he was. The man circled him, his eyes scanning him up and down. "You're eyes... you're like me," he giggled. VAO could feel something wet streak down his cheek as the creepy man ran a finger through his hair. "W-what...?"

The man burst into laughter. "You're like me! You're like me! You're a killer!" He cackled. VAO's jaw dropped as the memories flooded back to him. He remembered fighting Y/N. And worst of all, he remembered Summer. He looked back up at the man, his eyes filled with denial. "N-no! I'm not a murderer!" He screamed. But the man giggled again.

"You'll someday proudly accept it! But forget about your achievement for a moment - My Goddess ordered we get introduced as partners!" He declared loudly. VAO felt his heart stop. "P-p-partners...?" He whimpered. The man nodded, before leaning close again. "Yes, partners. We are friends, it's the command of My Goddess. Or, Our Goddess, now."

The man jumped back, his smile growing even wider as he struck a dramatic pose. "Tyrian Callows! That is my name! And what might yours be, creature of questionable gender?" He bellowed.

"V-VAO... B-Branwen..." he whimpered. Tyrian grinned down at him, before scuffling forward until his hands gripped VAO's shoulders. The Branwen looked away; he didn't want to see this man's scary face anymore. Tyrian seemed displeased about this.

"Hey. Look at me," he ordered. Slowly, VAO turned to the man, who had a small smile on his face. "Let's go visit Our Goddess... she wanted me to bring you to her, when you woke up," he cooed. VAO didn't want to anger Tyrian. The man already seemed unstable, like he could snap at any given moment. Tyrian moved towards the door, but then stopped. His head turned so far he could stare at VAO without moving his body. "On~ second~ thought~ we are alone... I'm alone, with someone pretty..." he almost was growling with excitement.

"I-I'm a man!" VAO wailed. He shouted it to save himself, but Tyrian only giggled, stepping closer. "So? It doesn't matter to me~!" The man leaned closer, his tongue wiggling between his lips. VAO's face scrunched back as he tried to keep away from Tyrian, but he was overpowered in an instant.

Shivers rippled down VAO's spine as Tyrian licked his cheek, his long, pink tongue trailing across his skin and down his neck. It was a relief to the younger man when Tyrian stood up straight, his eyes flickering with hints of lust. "Agh... we shouldn't keep Our Goddess waiting... we can continue this another time, Gorgeous," he cooed.

"I-I'm a m-man..." VAO whimpered quietly. His lip was trembling. He was terrified. Hell, he'd even hug Tai at this point; he just wanted somebody to save him. Tyrian cackled again. "You're still on about that? To me, you look like a woman, and that's all that matters." Tyrian leaned down closer, until lips brushed VAO's earlobes. "Now, we don't want to anger Our Goddess, do we, partner?" He whispered. VAO shuddered, and nodded slowly. Tyrian stood up straight and held out his hand, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards. Hesitantly, VAO took it into his own, and the psychopath led him out of the room and into the hall.

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