Chapter 3: Family Reunion

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Okay guys, so this chapter goes through the brothers' initiation at Beacon, and a few weeks into it. As you know, Ozpin has been searching for the two, and will tell the family. Also, since I'm not following the 'overpowered protagonists' cliche, the reader and VAO will get injured through the course of the initiation.

By the way, the initiation will mostly go how it does in the show. Everything else after the initiation follows my own storyline.

The two brothers were sitting on the bullhead, VAO drinking while Y/N gave him a disapproving look. VAO lowered the flask and shot his brother a dirty look. "Take a picture, why don't you?"

"VAO, we've talked about this. Quit drinking and take life seriously," Y/N said sternly. VAO didn't say anything as he kept drinking, much to Y/N's annoyance. Nora let out a loud snore as her head fell onto VAO's shoulder, causing the boy to turn bright red. Ren yawned as he flipped the page in his book, the title reading 'Weaknesses of the Grimm' in bright golden letters. Y/N sighed as he reminisced on everything that had happened. He still remembered the happiness he felt when he heard he was accepted into Beacon, and he was even more excited to see it, but so far the school was nowhere in sight. He sighed as he stood up and walked to the window, taking in the sights.

The streets of Vale stood below as civilians went on with their lives, the buildings standing tall. Y/N's friends stood next to him, admiring the view. "So, we're finally going to train to be heroes..." Ren said wistfully. "Funny... it feels like everything we've done to get to this moment happened so long ago..." Y/N replied. "So... pretty..." Nora commented.

"Dunno why Vale's got you all having an orgasm, but I need a refill," VAO said as he shook his near-empty flask. Y/N shook his head as he continued looking out the window. Soon enough, the school appeared on the horizon, the sheer size alone shocking Y/N. Even VAO looked slightly impressed.


Ruby sat next to Yang, her silver eyes searching the crowd. When Qrow had said that her brothers had joined one of the huntsmen academies, she had been keeping watch for anyone familiar. She hugged Zwei closer to her, the corgi letting out a small yelp of surprise. Tai and Summer had let her bring Zwei to help her feel better, due to suffering severe stress since her brothers ran away. Every night she had nightmares where she was forced to watch them go through beating after beating, leaving her with psychological trauma. Not a day went by where she didn't cry herself to sleep.

Yang wasn't much better. She hated herself every day for what she had done, and blamed herself. She had ended up with psychological trauma like Ruby, except hers was worse. She couldn't stop having nightmares about beating her brothers, sometimes even to death. She didn't cry herself to sleep like her sister, but she would always wake up screaming.

Ruby let out a sigh as she gave up searching the crowd, the bullhead coming to a stop. The two girls stood up and started walking down the ramp, when they heard four people arguing. Two of them looked familiar.


"Drinking is a hobby, not a problem," VAO was saying. "You're drunk right now!" Y/N cried angrily. "I am not drunk."

"Yes, you are. You always are," Ren sighed. VAO turned his gaze to his friend. "Okay, you got me. But what's the big deal? It's not like it's hurting anybody," VAO argued. "Ugh, your so dumb!" Y/N mumbled. VAO looked like he was about to punch his brother, when an excited voice called out.

"Y/N! VAO!"

The two brothers instantly recognized the voice and spun around to meet the excited eyes of their sisters. "You guys are okay!" Yang cheered as she rushed towards them for a group hug. VAO was able to teleport next to Nora, but Y/N wasn't as blessed to have his brother's Semblance. Yang wrapped her arms around the younger student, who responded by trying to get away. In reality, it looked like a hug between two siblings, but inside Y/N's mind was horrifying. Flashbacks of everything Yang had done passed through his mind as he was filled with fear.

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