Epilogue: Family (Good Ending)

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Y/N's eyes slowly opened. From his window, sunlight spilled on his face, warming his skin. He sat up with a start, breathing heavily.

It felt like he had just awoken from a horrible nightmare. But he couldn't remember what it was about. He looked around his room. Toys were strewn about, and his siblings' beds were empty. Of course, his brother's was by far the messiest. Which was impressive, seeing as how he only spent the night on the weekends. He swung his feet over the edge of his bed, rubbing his eyes as he stood up and walked out of his room.

He could smell something delicious downstairs. He trotted down the steps, his mouth beginning to water. In the kitchen, his mother was cooking breakfast and humming a tune to herself. Summer Rose turned around when she heard him, flashing a warm smile.

"Good morning! Did you sleep okay?" She asked cheerily.

"Y-yeah..." Y/N muttered. He was still a bit tired. Summer laughed, turning back to the stovetop.

"You sure don't sound like it..." She cracked an egg and let the yolk fall into the pan, listening to it sizzle. "Your father is playing outside with your brother and sisters. You should join them," she said.

"Okay..." Y/N trotted to the door, throwing his shoes on and stepping outside. The sun was bright, and he could hear the birds singing. His father, Taiyang Xiao-Long, was playing with Ruby and Yang. But his brother was nowhere in sight. Curious, Y/N began walking towards the woods.

"Hey, sport! What'cha up to?" Tai asked.

"I'm going into the woods, Dad!" Y/N called back. Tai smiled at him.

"Alright! Be home before breakfast!"

"I likes brekfasht..." Qrow slurred from the bushes. He was piss drunk, and had fallen asleep. Y/N ignored his uncle's shenanigans and walked into the trees, his yard disappearing from view. The forest was just as beautiful as yesterday. He followed the old, overgrown trail, looking around for his brother. But he was nowhere to be seen.

"Good morning, Y/N."

The six-year old turned to see a woman standing behind him. She was wearing black jogging pants, a red tank top, and grey sneaker. She seemed to be out on a run, using the trails for her exercise.

"Oh, hello Auntie," Y/N greeted. Raven stopped running, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"You looking for your brother?" When Y/N nodded, Raven pointed deeper into the forest. "He went over there," she directed. She placed her hands on her hips, letting out a breath. She sounded tired. "He really is a handful... Just like me..." She laughed.

"Yeah... I guess he is," Y/N agreed. He said his goodbyes to his aunt and left her to keep running, pushing his way deeper into the forest. Finally, the trees began to thin out and he was staring over the edge of the cliff side forest. He still hadn't found his older brother. Y/N looked around worriedly. Did something happen? He wondered if a Grimm had snatched him away.

"Oh, hey!"

He turned around to see his brother sitting at the edge of the cliff, his feet dangling off the edge. Y/N felt the blood leave his face. "V-Vao! G-get away from there!" He wailed. But his brother just laughed.

"Aw, I do it all the time! It'll be fine!" He assured. Y/N still felt uneasy, but decided to leave it alone. Vao always came here, so he would know more, right? Vao patted the spot next to him, smiling warmly. "Come on, sit with me!" Y/N sighed, taking a seat next to his brother.

Their lives had been reset. No longer did they hold the horrible after effects their journey had given them. Neither Y/N nor Vao remembered the past. They were children again, living the way they deserved. Y/N no longer held the depression he once did. He was average height, with short hair and tanning skin. He was just a normal six year old. Meanwhile, Vao still looked like a girl rather than a boy, even with the world being reset. His black hair fell past his shoulders, and his face was thin and girly. His two red eyes and pale skin completed his look.

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