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" you alright ? "

" of course i am... this is the happiest i'd ever been in a while. "

hisirdoux casperan x fem!oc
by fqerietales

republished from of-liyue

𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 a pairing of mages find solace among each other as war rages on in the kingdom. this kingdom was never perfect and never always forgivable , and yet they manage to live on. hopefully , those events will never repeat. it's too much to bear.

tristabelle ended up in camelot, somehow, and the dear poppet had a bit of a journey laid out for her — study magic and be a great wizard. but those weren't the only things she'd find herself doing in the old kingdom. there was so much more. friends, foes - loves, and hates. it wasn't too boring in the castle, along with the fact that, what was even her past? all sorts of questions rose and were answered to a degree, but her curiousness had no bounds. and right on cue, war begun. her mentor went mental. she had to pick a side and survive.

in the modern timeline, tristabelle was content. arcadia oaks was peaceful enough — in a way — and had supernatural activity, though spellcasters weren't expected and found out about ( most of them, anyway ), so it wasn't all that bad. but soon enough, the guardians of arcadia have a new mission, as the world is ending once again, and a good few soon get sent back in time to relive the past.

to relive the war of camelot, to relive the fates set for the future. only the stars knew what lied ahead of them.

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𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐏𝐎𝐎𝐑 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, douxie casperanWhere stories live. Discover now