five, the reminiscent interlude.

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𝗋𝖾𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗌𝖼𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗅𝗎𝖽𝖾

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"MY LITTLE MARAUDER, YOU MUST AT LEAST MAKE AN ATTEMPT." Morgana's soft gaze fell on her apprentice, assuring her to be brave as the girl held her Skathe-Hrün. "Fear shouldn't restrain you and refrain you from using your power."

This memory... was she recalling this correctly?

Another lesson, another chance for mistake upon mistake. Recently, the mentor had been helping her apprentice in her education of dark magic. Fortunately, she'd been doing well. And fortunately she'd been enjoying it...until now.

"Madame, I don't think I'm too capable. This casting has many complexities."

Unusually, the apprentice's expression wasn't void. There was genuine anxiety present in her sunken eyes.

"Merlin's 'realism' has been worn off on you, hasn't it?" The mentor sighed, getting up from her armchair and putting her left hand on the girl's shoulder, assuringly. "My dear, you need faith. The magic will channel through you naturally based on your current emotion. It's not tactical like your necromancy."

"And my current state is somewhat fearful."

Morgana smiled at her honesty.

"Then don't be. You will be safe. Just remain in control. Know who you are. You will be safe from the grasp of the darkness."

The apprentice's grip on the Skathe-Hrün tensed, as her mind was in a compelling trial, in which she had the choice to run away or follow and make an attempt. She looked at the spellbook set on Morgana's table; a projection of what she should summon, a shadowy figure eclipsing light.

"Fear won't control you, as nothing has and will ever, Tristabelle, yet you have a choice not to," Morgana finalised, placing a hand on the Skathe-Hrün, which was spiny and earthen. "Keep that in mind."

Tristabelle's worry had melted as her mentor encouraged her.

"I shall."


Morgana walked back, as Tristabelle channeled misty energies around her, preparing her lesson.

"Now," Morgana instructed. "Release your tensions. Release your shadow."

The apprentice exhaled slowly, as her neck craned slightly and her eyes fell dark. Her grip on the Skathe-Hrün loosened as a dark figure appeared behind her.

The figure was none other than her shadow, with whitish-pink eyes and floating hair, as if gravity wasn't pulling them down, along with her plum-black skirt. Her expression was blank, as it should've been. She drifted on the walls as if it were the sea.

It was haunting, yet the apprentice enjoyed it.

Morgana clapped. "Wonderful, Tristabelle. Wonderful work, my dear."

The apprentice was astonished. "I actually performed it..." She muttered. "Why are you teaching me these things?"

"What is the meaning of this?"

Merlin appeared at the door, which was bright compared to the dimly lit candles of Morgana's study.

"I demanded you refrain from dark magicks, yet you perform a masterful spell, leading you closer to corruption?"

Tristabelle and Morgana turned sharply on their heels, finding the old Wizard in his dark armor, with his emerald staff, glaring at the two with a serious expression.

"You dare defy my orders? Again?" He continued on. "The child will become absolutely corrupt. Many men have dove much too deep into dark magic, and look how they grew into darkness."

Morgana sighed, crossing her arms in defeat, while Tristabelle simply spoke up.

"Sir, I am no man," the poppet frowned.

Merlin's eyebrows furrowed. He never really expected a poised little maiden to ever argue.

"I am not a weak dame, needing rescue or refuge from so-called treachery." The girl stepped closer to the Wizard with her gaze of recessed eyes, as her shadow melted, crawling back to her.

"To your quarters. Now." Merlin pointed his staff to the right of the hallway, where her room resided.

Tristabelle silently obliged, annoyed as she gave Morgana her Skathe-Hrün back and then walking out, poised and quiet. There wasn't much of a choice to make anyway.

Finding her way to her room and closing the door, her left hand lingered on the door. She never knew the exact reason why dark magic was frowned upon. She suspected people just hated it out of fear.

Fear played such a large factor in this problem.

And out of spite and newfound ambition, she decided to work as hard as she could with the magic, making it her own and giving it light. Her mother's guidance brought her here, almost literally, and even if her past was just shattered pieces, she could find herself anew and maybe put them back together. Here and now, with magic her forebears must have held.

She floated to her desk straight away, grabbing a few spellbooks and preparing her studies, setting her brace ready for practicing in secrecy.

Tristabelle found herself in a little bit of excitement, not knowing that at her prime time in shadowmancy, she'd be forbidden to ever perform it as long as her mentor was wandering the Shadow Realm.

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𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐏𝐎𝐎𝐑 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒, douxie casperanWhere stories live. Discover now