Chapter - 11

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Crystal’s POV 

I stood there dumbstruck, ‘was I dreaming?’. The trio was yet to notice my presence. The idea of running away came to my mind, but I soon dismissed it. It’s useless to run from two werewolves and when one of them is a Beta. I coughed, letting my presence known as three pairs of eyes turned my way. One with guilt, and the other two had fire raging in them. Carla slowly walked over and stood in front of me, the anger and disappointment clearly visible.

 Before I could utter a single word, the sound of a loud smack resonated throughout the room. I was shocked with my face turned to the right, and my cheek throbbing with pain. ‘Did she just slap me’. I turned to look to look at Carla in shock. She just shrugged and returned to her seat.

“Are you ok?” Aiden asked, now inspecting my face. I tried to reply but winced in pain. 

“Gabrielle, can you bring an ice pack?” Aiden requested, guiding me to the couch. He made me sit opposite Carla who was still glaring at me, Aiden took a seat beside. Gabrielle came back with the ice pack, Aiden grabbed it from her and started pressing it against my cheek. The cold sensation soothes the pain a little. ‘I still couldn’t believe Carla slapped me, like I know she is super aggressive when angry, but to imagine I would be at the receiving end one day wasn’t my plan.’ 

“What the heck is wrong with you, Carla?” Aiden shouted at her, making both of us flinch. 

“She deserved it.” Carla shouted back.

“You’re just insane.” Aiden commented. 

I saw tears glistening in her eyes as she got up and went outside to the porch. I followed her out to hear her sniffling. It broke my heart to see my best friend like this. Carla was a sturdy girl. There were only a few things that could make her cry. I placed my hand on her shoulder, turning her around to look at me. Her eyes and nose were red, as she tried hard to control her tears.

“Sorry.” I said as I pulled her into a hug. Carla broke down, bawling her eyes out as I rubbed her back, hoping to calm her down. We stood there a few minutes before her cries were subdued. Breaking the hug, I gave her a small smile.

“Does it hurt?” She asked, eyeing my cheek.

“Oh, no...your hand was like cotton candy. Of course it hurts so bad. Duh!” I replied.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to, but I was so infuriated.”

“You’re cool now?” It surprised me she calmed down so quickly. 

“Nope, but I won’t hit you. You’re too fragile.” She commented.

“Hey.” I shoved her lightly, feigning offense, before we both broke into a fit of laughter. 

“Are all girls insane?” Aiden asked, coming out to join us.

“Nah, just us two.” I replied, slinging an arm around Carla’s shoulder as she mimicked my actions.

“Come on in, we still need to cold compress your cheek.” Aiden said ushering is inside.

“So how did you guys find me?” I asked, addressing the big elephant in the room that we were avoiding until now.

“Melanie.” Carla stated as she continued compressing my cheek.

“She didn’t do it deliberately though.” Aiden added before I could say something. I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

“Well, I had followed your mother when she visited Melanie and overheard the conversation between them. Melanie just said to your mother that you were staying with her sister-in-law..” Aiden continued.

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