Chapter - 35

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Pristine walls greeted Crystal as she regained her consciousness. This felt like a deja vu as she sat up straighter, looking around though unlike the previous time she now held knowledge. 

She looked down at her attire to find herself clad in a thin silk thistle frock. Rather than calling out into the empty room like a fool, she decided to wait for someone to grace her with their presence. She took this time to inspect her surroundings, but as much as the previous time, it was vast and empty. 

“I see you’re awake,” the sweet familiar voice of Fiona greeted her.

Twirling around, Crystal found herself face to face with her warlock spirit, aka chi; a radiant smile graced her lips as she stared at her chi. Fiona appeared to be as radiant as Crystal remembered. Though something was different in the halo that surrounded her, it seemed dimmed a little as compared to the first time they met.

“Finally, it was prime time you paid me a visit,” said Crystal, trying to lighten the mood.

A low giggle left Fiona as she motioned for Crystal to follow her. Walking a little distance, Fiona came to a standstill as her eyes darted to something before her. She then gracefully slid to her right to grant Crystal an unobstructed view.

On the white marble floor lay a white wolf, peacefully sleeping. The wolf seemed vaguely familiar to Crystal and as soon as the idea registered in her mind; the wolf pried its eyes open. The bright golden orbs staring into her soul.

“Hello Human,” a feminine voice rang through Crystal’s head, startling her. 

“Is that you?” asked Crystal as her eyebrows knotted while she looked at the wolf that now stood tall before her.

“Precisely,” the voice replied again, registering that it was indeed the wolf.

Before Crystal could dive into questions, Fiona spoke, her melodic voice echoing around the room, “You might have several questions, but I would like to explain a few things first.”

Crystal turned her attention to her old spirit acquaintance, completely ignoring the white wolf before her. This kind of irked the wolf, but it let it slide as Fiona’s voice echoed around the room.

“You might know how your uncle had locked your powers when he left you in the forest,’’ she paused as Crystal nodded in understanding. “While doing so, he not only sealed your werewolf powers but also passed on a portion of his powers to you, the reason for my sole existence.

“His actions impulsed the existence of both a wolf and a chi to exist inside of you. We were to be awakened by the mate bond. When you first met your mate, the protection spell wore off and then the incident of saving your mate finally allowed me to breakthrough.”

Confusion laced Crystal’s face while her brain registered Fiona’s words.

A disgusted scoff sounded in her brain and she looked in the wolf's direction, but the wolf seemed to pay no attention to her as Fiona continued to speak.

“But since the protection spell was strong, you didn’t feel your wolf until much later. Since being a purple spirit you aren’t bound by the mate bond, your wolf found it extremely difficult to push through the barrier and the recent actions that took place forced her to push through it.”

Crystal’s mind wandered off to her and Xavier’s conversation, that was instantly followed by the bone-crushing pain.

“YOU ARE AN IDIOT” her wolf’s voice boomed through her head.

The wolf’s eyes zeroed on Crystal’s form before it stalked towards her, assessing Crystal’s form from head to toe the wolf snuggled closer. Its thick white fur tickling Crystal’s bare legs. 

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