Chapter - 32

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A week had passed since the family rekindled at the lake. Though nothing changed drastically, a few were noticeable. Unlike other times, now they spend time with each other whenever given the chance. Madeleine and Frederick are no longer at odds. The staff could often see the king and queen strolling in the garden hand in hand.

Bennett continued to spend all his time with the children and in the pack hospital, rather than dealing with pack affairs, but unlike previous times this didn’t enrage Frederick, on the contrary, he was quite delighted to know his son was helping the pack in his way.

While Bennett spent his days leisurely, Crystal was swamped with paperwork, and with the coronation coming closer, the number of files stacked on her table increased. 

Just like any other day, Crystal was going through the files, attentively reading the terms before stamping the requests. The music player hummed a slow tune, while she continued to work in a rhythm. The peaceful silence was disrupted by Hunter's hoarse voice-

“My lady, we need your signature for the-” Hunter stopped midway under Crystal’s glare.

“How many times do I need to say not to call me that?” Crystal reprimanded him.

“Sorry. Crystal, we need your signature on the Sovereign Treaty with the Lunar Eclipse Pack” 

As soon as she heard the name of her old pack the pen she was holding fell as her hands trembled, with small beads of sweat appearing on her forehead. The name of the pack weirdly affected her and made her anxiety reach unknown peaks.

Hunter looked at the future queen with confusion. It was beyond his knowledge why Crystal grew so anxious in the mere mention of the name. On previous occasions too he has seen the Princess act out of the ordinary on the mention of the pack's name.

“Crystal? Are you alright?” Hunter asked, gently nudging her shoulder.

The action seemed to break Crystal’s trance as she looked up, bewildered. “Yeah, yeah. I’m alright, just stressed,” she replied. 

Hunter felt the guilt increase as he looked at the vulnerable girl, he reprimanded himself for ever thinking ill about her. He had failed to protect the girl who always treated him like an elder brother. 

“Take a break,” Hunter urged, his brotherly instincts kicking in.


“He’s right, you need a break.” A deep male voice said from the door, 

A smile broke on Crystal’s face as she watched her brother stroll into the room. Bennett's aura was soothing to the soul, his deep voice and radiant smile always succeeded in putting people at ease. The feeling was similar to that of the first rain.

“So the rebel prince exists,” said Crystal as she leaned back into her seat.

She hadn't seen a glimpse of him since the morning, guards said they saw Bennett jump over the palace wall late at night. Their parents, habituated to his antics, just shared a knowing smile whilst going back to their work. It seemed their father was slowly getting accustomed to the fact that his son is a real rebel.

Bennett chuckled at his sister’s playfulness. He surely created prominence. 

“I have a reputation to maintain,” he said, taking a seat opposite Crystal. 

“Hunty boy, long time no see,” Bennett exclaimed as he looked at Hunter standing beside them.

“Greetings My Lord,” Hunter did a slight bow.

“Oh, Hunter, just call me Bennett. We don’t need these formalities. We are closer than that.” Bennett replied with a smirk.

Crystal watched the interaction with curiosity, trying hard to decipher Bennett’s words. Bennett loved whenever people addressed him as Lord, and his sudden change in behaviour towards Hunter was peculiar too. Crystal had heard from the staff that Hunter and Bennett shared a very hostile relationship as the King always praised Hunter and compared them both. On many occasions, Crystal has also caught Bennett giving Hunter the stinky eye. 

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