Chapter - 37

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Back at the Jones’ house, an enormous feast was being prepared by Crystal’s loved ones on the eve of her return. The backyard was set up with a large table capable of seating about twenty people. Fairy lights hung around, lighting the entire area. A mini-barbeque stood at one side, and a small campfire was set at the far end of the yard.

People went around arranging everything in its proper place. From the inside, Minerva’s loud voice could be heard throwing instructions at everyone. Even Bennett wasn’t spared despite being of blue blood. Though the Prince wasn’t complaining, he enjoyed the minor tasks that were assigned to him; he felt needed and important by doing so and truth be told; he liked them better than signing tedious paperwork all day.

“Mrs Jones, where should I put the flowers?” asked Bennett, “sorry Mama,” he corrected when Minerva gave him a stern look.

The Prince was precisely ordered earlier by Minerva to address her as Mama and Derek as Papa. The latter had uttered the words, “No brother of my daughter shall address me as Mrs Jones. You’re like my son and you shall address me as one too.” She reminded Bennett of his old English teacher in high school. He now understood why Crystal and Gemma feared this woman.

“Why are you going about adopting kids at such an old age?” Gemma had asked her mom sarcastically, earning a smack upside down on the head.

“Don’t think I won’t hit you now that you have a mate,” said Minerva before turning and giving a smile to her future son-in-law, “And Jay dear, you too should call me Mama,” she added. Jay gave her a nod of agreement before continuing to bring chairs outside.

“The guy is too shy, Gemma you might have to take initiative in a lot of things, especially you know-“

“Mom, stop! Goddess, where the heck is even Crystal!” Gemma exclaimed, interrupting her mother mid-sentence. She very well knew what her mother was implying. 

Gemma stomped her way outside to join Jay and help him arrange the seats. The light blush covering Jay’s neck travelling up his ears clarified he heard Minerva’s words loud and clear. 

“I was just stating facts. This girl is so ungrateful. My Crystal isn’t like that she was always well behaved and poise. Even as a kid she was matured than her age,” 

Bennett nodded along as Minerva continued her monologue, praising Crystal’s mannerisms and tact. A tiny needle of jealousy pricked his heart, but he brushed it off.

“How is your mother like? If you don’t mind me asking-“

“I don’t. You could say Crystal is sometimes the replica of our mother, the same no-bullshit temperament, the quick judgements and tact games.” Bennett replied. Every word he spoke came from the depth of his heart. Observing his mother since childhood, he more than often notices glimpses of her in Crystal, “but, Crystal carries your calm and friendly demeanour,” he added. 

Hearing his words, Minerva’s face brightened up, and she nodded solemnly before saying, “Even though I raised her, I knew most of her character traits run in her blood. I always knew she was special.” A lone tear escaped her eyes. She briskly wiped it away and carried the dishes outside.

Bennett looked at Crystal’s family here, and he realized no matter her status or power these people love her and he was sure if Madeleine and Minerva met, they would instantly become best of friends gushing over their loving daughter despite the differences in character. With a wide smile adorning his face, Bennett joined the others outside as the tribe waited for the guest of honour. 

An hour later, when there was still no sign of the new Queen’s arrival, dread grasped the hearts. The unspoken question crossed everyone’s mind as they glanced at each other.

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