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The once lively atmosphere now turned into a mournful moment, the joyous laughter and music replaced by swords clashing like thunder. Brutal growls filling the air whilst the beastly creatures pounced upon the warriors tearing their body into shreds. The poisonous gas mixed with the air drained the powers of the warlocks. The number of motionless bodies increased as the rogues gained the upper hand in the war.

Levitating in the air, a pair of vicious eyes hidden behind the black velvet mask roamed around the bloody scene. An evil smirk adorning their red-tinted lips watching the downfall of the powerful Warlock kingdom. Amid all the chaos raging through the castle, a certain father-son duo was saying their goodbye, hidden away from the evil eye.

“Save her, she is our last hope.” The old King said the eyes that once held immense power now tamed. His perfectly styled hair matted to his forehead while blood continued to ooze through the wound near his heart.

The young Prince cradled the bundle of silk close to his chest, the poisonous gas affecting his lungs, a burning sensation crawling up his windpipe. His black orbs brimmed with unshed tears as he watched his father breathe his last, heaving out a sigh of defeat he stood up. His knees trembled, his body growing weak. Time was slipping away like sand he was required to act fast; chanting a series of spells, he disappeared into thin air. The lifeless body of the King lay there abandoned, his soul now at harmony knowing the Princess would be saved and someday return to fulfil the prophecy.

The forest echoed with heavy footsteps, the fallen dry leaves crunching whilst the man ran towards a safe place. His powers were being drained out by the arrow piercing his spine. He was unable to outwit the vicious woman but somehow managed to outrun the beasts chasing him, but it won’t be long before they would catch up. Halting near a tree trunk to catch his fading breath, he looked down at the girl to see her doe blue eyes sparkling and her angelic aura shining brighter under the moonlight. She was so pure, unaware of the cruel world.

He could hear the faint growls in the distance, danger approaching them. Letting out a painful grunt, he pushed himself off the trunk. ‘He needs to ensure the Princess’s safety before breathing his last,’ with the determination in mind he channelled his aura and raced towards safety. He remembered there was a pack nearby that could shelter them. The rhythmic sound of water flowing somewhere at the distance travelled in air, his feet carrying him closer to the sound. 

As he walked closer toward the borders, the growls grew louder. If he enters the pack now, it would only endanger many innocent lives, but he needs the Princess to be safe. Contemplating with his conciseness, he left the Princess among the bushes and then altered his route to divert the enemies. He placed his hand above her, chanting a spell. An enormous ball of light surrounded the baby’s body before slowly disappearing into her, concealing her powers. Now no one shall ever know about them until the right time. Glancing at the girl for the last time, he sprinted in the opposite direction, leaving a trail of his blood behind.

He has been walking for only a short time when suddenly he heard growling behind him. He turned around to find the creatures snarling at him, their red eyes blazing menacingly and their mouths frothy. They slowly surrounded him, forming a circular barrier. The wolves parted at the middle as a woman dressed in a dark red cloak emerged from behind the mist.

“Off to somewhere I see”, said the woman, her lips curled into a sarcastic smile. 

“How could you be so cruel?” The man asked, his eyes filled with hatred.

“Tsk, tsk; not the right answer.” She mocked waving a perfectly manicured finger in the air. “Now let’s make this simple, hand over the baby and I will grant your one wish.” She offered. 

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