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Crystal's POV

A sudden jolt of pain woke me up. There was a burning sensation in my chest, making it hard for me to breath. I gasped for air, but it only further intensified my pain. Unshed tears stung the corner of my eyes as I clawed at my chest for the pain to vanish.

"Aaahhh" I screamed as another wave of pain jolted my body making it unbearable for me.

The door to my room flung open, and hurried footsteps made their way towards me.

"Crys, what happened? Are you alright?" I heard Gemma asking as she tucked away my hair.

I just nodded my head in denial, unable to speak.

"Stay here, I will go get Mom and Dad." Gemma said while getting up to leave.

I held her wrist and shook my head "". I don't want them to get worried.

"Mom can help, Crys. I have to tell her." Gemma reasoned and freed her hand and went to call our parents.

I sat there clenching my chest, as jolts of pain invaded my body. And tears fell involuntarily. I wondered why my body was feeling so much pain, wasn't the emotional pain enough that my body started to ache too.

"Oh, my dear. What happened to you?" Mama said sitting beside me and hugging me.

I buried my face into her shoulder and cried. The tears were from both yesterday's and the present events. Mama caressed my hair as I cried my heart out, the pain slowly subsiding. I cried for what seemed like ten minutes before detaching myself from the hug. Mama held my hands and asked

"What is the matter sweetie?"

I looked at her contemplating whether I should tell them the truth or just lie. I decided to not reveal the truth yet.

"And don't you dare lie, missy. I can see what you're going to do." Papa warned.

I gave them an innocent smile "Can I not tell?" I asked hoping they would drop it.

"No can do. You were literally shaking from pain, and we don't even know why that happened. You have to tell us." Gemma demanded.

I looked at all three of them, as they wore the look of worry. I felt sad for not being able to tell them, if they came to know about yesterday's events then hell will break loose. My parents and sister can be quite scary when angered. I gulped a little before replying:

"I know you all are worried about me but I can't tell you all yet."

Mama let out a sigh of despair " Alright dear, we won't push you. You can tell us whenever you want to."

"But Mom.." Gemma interfered.

"No, Gemma. Your mother is right. We need to give Crystal her space." Papa interjected causing Gemma to huff and leave my room in anger.

I looked after her retreating figure feeling bad and guilty that I couldn't tell her, she cares for me a lot and here I am not being able to tell her why I was in pain.

"She will come around, don't worry. You know how easily her anger dissipates." Mama said while patting my hand and getting up to leave.

"Remember Crystal, me and your Mom are always here. Don't hesitate to tell us anything ok." Papa said as he gave me a small side hug. I nodded at both of them.

They left the room after giving me a small encouraging smile leaving me to my thoughts. I wondered why I was experiencing such jolts of pain. It's not like my health is weak. I had so many questions running in my mind and there was only one person who could answer most of them - Melanie. Melanie was the oldest pack member, aging about 90 years old. No one knows her real age as she had stopped aging at the age of 50 and has been living since in the pack alone. I have heard that her mate was a warlock, who died in a battle and passed on his life source to her. She says she has to fulfill the last wish of her mate before she can meet him again.

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