Chapter - 19

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Third Person POV 

The Alpha King glared at the messenger who shifted awkwardly, unable to stand the stare of his Alpha. The Queen sat there shocked; her face white as a sheet of paper, she couldn’t believe what the messenger was telling. 

“Do you even know what gibberish you are speaking?” The King’s voice boomed against the walls of the throne room.

The messenger trembled as he spoke with his head bowed, “I just read what’s written in this letter, Your Majesty.”

It has been twenty years since they lost their daughter and for all these years they have been turning the world upside down searching for her. It seemed she had vanished from the face of the earth, and now out of the blue they get the news of her existence.

“Frederick, we need to go.” The Queen pleaded, her voice full of hope, as her heart yearned to meet her beloved daughter. 

“But what if this is a trap to get back at us?” The King tried to reason. 

“Did you leave anything that would allow them to fight back?” Madeleine scoffed.

Frederick looked at his mate, his eyes filled with anger and remorse. The attack he made on the Warlock Kingdom twenty years ago has left his relationship in shackles. He hoped that someday they could go back to the old happy times.

“We need to go and visit Marvis and if you are still skeptical, I will leave alone. I am not letting go the only hope of meeting my daughter.” Madeleine continued. 

The King heaved out a sigh. He had no other choice but to agree; he knew how headstrong his wife was. He wouldn’t deny that a low flicker of hope has been ignited in his heart too.

“Fine. Send back word that we will arrive next week.” Frederick ordered. 

“Next week?” Madeleine questioned, her eyes raging.

“Yes. I need to finish up something.” Frederick covered the fact he needed time to strengthen the security and get an army ready in case things went south. 

“You are always the concealing, emotionless bastard.” Madeleine raged.

Frederick’s Alpha instinct was hurt and he let out a loud growl, making the messenger fall onto his knees in submission. 

“Your Alpha voice doesn’t work on me.” Madeleine reprimanded as she turned to leave the courtroom, her cloak trailing behind her.

Frederick clenched his fists, his nail digging into his palms. He turned to the messenger, who sat there kneeling on the ground. “Scurry off.”

The messenger scurried away, thanking the Moon Goddess that the king spared his life.

The wheels of the limousine rolled through the dirty road as it neared the Forbidden borders. The guards patrolling the area were shocked to see their King, as for the past twenty years they had seen no one cross the borders. 

The King sat there deep in thought, gazing at the letter as Queen Madeleine gazed at the blurry sceneries as the car sped down the road. 

Frederick re read the letter once again :

Dear Lord Frederick,

I know you would rage and wondering why I would take the courage to write a letter to you, but I can assure that it’s in good faith. 

I wouldn’t make it long, so the reason I am writing this letter is to just inform you I have found the Princess. Yes, I have found your daughter after twenty years and she is healthy. 

She goes by the name Crystal and has grown to be the most beautiful woman. She is compassionate like her mother and head strong like her father. 

We are currently living at the mansion where you met Lady Madeleine for the first time. I hope you won’t think of this as a trap and come to meet your daughter. 

Your faithful servant 
Marvis Hale.

P.S.: There is also something I have to tell you in person, hope to hear from you soon.

Hundreds of questions raided his brain. His palm grew sweaty in anxiety while he took deep breaths to calm his nerves. 

Madeleine turned to look at her mate. She could feel his anxiety and nervousness through the bond. She shifted closer to him, cushioning his hand and giving it a light squeeze. Frederick wanted to hug her, but he refrained, not wanting to push his luck. He leaned back into his seat, thinking back to the events twenty years ago.

He regretted attacking the Warlock kingdom out of rage. The warlocks could have finished him and his men in a snap, but they had respected the decision of their Late King and refrained from using their powers on the werewolves. Whereas he took advantage of their submissive nature and slaughtered their families, if only he could control his wolf better. 

That fateful night had changed everything in his life. That day did he not only lose his daughter, but he also lost the love of his mate. The only reason Madeleine agreed to come back with him to the Werewolf kingdom was because she was pregnant with their son, and she knew how much a child needed the love of their father. 

He had changed over these years; he tried to be calm and reasonable with situations. His wolf has also grown to regret his deeds. If only he could turn back time. But what’s done is done. Suddenly his wolf let out a loud whine.

“What’s wrong?” Frederick asked his wolf.

“Our pup... she is near.” His wolf replied in a low voice.

Frederick sat up straighter, “You can feel her?” He asked, his heart filling with hope and dread.

“Yes, she is in that mansion.” His wolf replied before retreating to the back of his mind.

Frederick asked the driver to lower the partition, as the mansion in the distance came into view. They were here. His hold on Madeleine’s hand tightened involuntarily, while his eyes filled with unshed tears. He turned to look at her and found her staring at the mansion. Her eyes widened in wonder as tears trailed down her face. She could also feel the presence of her daughter through her chi. The car came to a stop in front of the enormous gates, the mansion standing in its glory behind the bars of black and gold.

Memories of their youth came rushing to the couple whilst they stepped out of the car with joy filled hearts, as they continued to stare at the mansion.

Now they both only hoped that their daughter wouldn’t hate them for giving up on her.


A/N : It's time for Crystal to meet her birth parents. Hope everything goes ok.

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