Chapter - 24

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The orangey-red hue reflected upon the water while the light breeze created ripples on the surface, birds flew towards their home as the sky seemed like a blazing torch. The serenity of the atmosphere calming my soul, the tall grass pricking my bare legs while I stood there basking in the beauty of Mother Nature. A pair of hands wrapped themselves around me as a muscular chest came into contact with my back, sending a pleasurable shiver down my body. The person leaned into my ear placing a lingering kiss below my earlobe, my body relaxed into their touch enjoying the warmth radiating from them. We continued to watch the sun while it slowly sank into the river, leaving behind a dark purple canvas. The earth shook beneath my feet as fear slowly crawled into my heart. The person holding me radiating a sense of uneasiness rather than calm. In an instance my body was teleported from the riverside to a high cliff, the light breeze was replaced by strong winds slicing my arms as they bled. A force was holding me still while I struggled to free myself. Suddenly my body was turned towards the person standing behind me, their face blurry. “You should have chosen wisely.” was the last thing I heard before a hand pushed me off the cliff. My body falling freely to the force of gravity.

Crystal woke up with a startle, her heart plummeting against the ribs, skin feeling hot and an uneasy feeling settling into the pit of her stomach. Staring at the blush pink ceiling, she tried to recollect herself, chanting lowly, “it was just a dream.” 

She sat up, raking her fingers through the hair; the sheets pooled around her waist, the vivid images of the sunset and cliff flashing in front of her eyes while she took deep breaths and shook her head to erase the dream. Her body went stiff, as a paranoid feeling of someone watching her made goosebumps rise on her legs. ‘If Mama was here, she would have hugged me and made my favourite breakfast to ease my nerves.’ Crystal thought. 

A shrill ringing of a bell startled her. She turned towards the sound to notice a small ivory bell hanging from the bedpost, a cord attached to it disappearing into the wall. The door creaked open as Madeleine walked in with confident strides dressed in a royal blue A-line full sleeve dress with white collar, a pearl necklace rested around her thin neck, her hair let loose in a mid-part stressing her round face and complimenting her blue doe eyes similar to Crystal while her red-tinted lips portrayed a smile.

“Good morning Crystal, did you sleep well?” Madeleine asked. She sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for a reply. Her heart was filled with joy as she looked at the sleepy face of her daughter. 


Madeleine’s face morphed into confusion while her scrutinizing eyes inspected Crystal’s face. “Did you have a bad dream?” She asked, her voice laced with concern.

“Did you read my mind again?” 

“Honey, I am your mother. I don’t have to read your mind to know you had a bad dream.”

“Sorry I didn’t mean to be rude, it’s just -“ 

“It’s ok Crystal, I know it’s hard to accept me as your Mom. I just want you to give it a chance, that’s all I ask for.” Madeleine interrupted her daughter, she was aware of the battling thoughts in Crystal’s head. It wasn’t easy to accept the truth, but she wished for the impossible to happen. 


“Now go get a shower, we need to join your Father for breakfast.” Madeleine ushered, whilst she went to open the curtains, making the morning sunlight flood into the room.

Climbing out of bed, Crystal groggily trudged towards the door her mother pointed at. The en-suite bathroom was huge, it could easily fit her bedroom back at the pack inside. The squeaky-clean marble reflecting the lights embedded in the ceiling, a white granite wash basin with brass faucets to her left. An oval mirror mounted at the top and a row of cabinets with crystal-like knobs running below the basin, fresh white towels were stacked on a rack beside it. The shower seemed like a tiny room separated by glass walls. A jacuzzi tub above two wide marble steps beside the shower to my right. Opening the cabinet she found all the shower essentials stocked to the brim ranging from different body gels to bathe bombs, even the grooming essentials were stocked on a separate shelf. Grabbing her favourite peach body wash and shampoo, Crystal stepped into the shower room. The brass faucets shining against the light, a circular shower head at the top. 

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