1. New Girl

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Trixie took a thousand deep breaths and practiced her self presentation speech in front of the mirror also a thousand times. The first day at a new job can be a nerve racking experience, especially an internship, but she was getting more confident as time passed.

"Shit! I'm gonna be late." she complained to herself when she saw what time it was, time she lost track of by staying hours in front of her mirror on that morning.

"Hi! My na me is Beatrice, but please, just call me Trixie. I'm the new photographer...no, that's terrible." Trixie mumbled to herself on the bus.

Trixie got off the bus and ran into the big fancy art gallery located in one of the busiest streets of Boston, elbowing her way into the elevator.

"Hi, are you new here?" a young man asked Trixie in the elevator.
"Yes! I'm a photographer. I'm gonna work with Katya Zamolodchikova, do you know her?"
"I wish I didn't. Good luck." he said.

Trixie walked out of the elevator on her floor confidently. She greeted the receptionists and every other employee that passed by her, smiling through the entire time.
When Trixie walked into the meeting room, the first thing she saw was a hot tanned blonde woman. She was wearing a red shirt with the first three buttons unbuttoned, showing a tiny bit of her black lace bra, a black thigh skirt that made her ass look absolutely fantastic and two glasses – one on her face and one keeping her hair out of her eyes, and Christian Louboutin black vinyl high heels. Katya was so focused on her phone, she didn't even notice Trixie's presence.

"Hello, I'm Beatrice, well, I actually prefer Trixie, that's how everybody calls me and..." She took a deep breath and tried again, "Hmm, nevermind. I'm your new photographer."

"You're late." Katya said without even looking at her.

"No, I'm not. It's exactly 8:03. AM"

Katya put her phone away. When she fist saw Trixie, the first thing she noticed was her hideous transparent kitten heels. She was wearing white jeans, a baby blue tank top and a navy blue cardigan. Her body was so unbelievably gorgeous that Katya thought it was sculpted by Michelangelo. She had her long blonde hair on a high ponytail and her bangs was long enough to cover her eyebrows. Katya could notice her sharp eyeliner under her clear glasses and her lips were deliciously painted with a neutral lipstick.

"Your shift starts at 8AM." Katya finally said.

"It took me three minutes on the elevator."

"So tomorrow you better step into the building at 7:57."


Katya turned around on her chair, facing the giant window in front of her and typing something on her phone. Trixie didn't quite know what she was supposed to do, so she sat down on a chair across the table from Katya. When she noticed Trixie's presence, she turned back around slowly and stared at her with a deadly glimpse.

"What are you doing?" Katya asked, impatiently.
"I'm, um...sitting."
"Yeah, but this is not your chair."
"Which one is my chair?" Trixie asked, confused.
"You don't have one, new girl, you're gonna have to stand up." Katya could sound like she was angry and like she couldn't care less at the same time.

Trixie stood up slowly and walked towards the nearest wall, leaning her back against it. After a couple of minutes, that felt like long awkward hours to Trixie, a few people walked in, greeting her and Katya and occupying the chairs.

"Everyone, this is our new photographer, Tracy..." Katya began to say.
"It's Trixie, actually." Trixie corrected.

Everyone stared at her when she corrected Katya, looking like she'd done something she probably shouldn't have. Katya was staring at her like she had just been challenged to a duel in a roman arena.

"From now on, you're name is New Girl. Maybe that way you'll learn not be such a smart ass." Katya said, stone cold.
"But you got my name wrong!"

Katya stood up and walked slowly towards Trixie, like a lioness ready to attack her prey. She stood only a few inches away from Trixie's face and stared at her deadly in the eye.

"Are we going to have a problem, new girl, or am I going to have to fire you on your first day?"
"No, ma'am." Trixie's forehead was sweating due to the heat generated by the proximity of the woman's body.
"Are you gonna behave?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Good. Back to the meeting." Katya walked back to her chair and sat down. "I have a new upcoming project called Kaleidoscopic Figures, where the paintings  will be made on real people's bodies. They will be photographed my Miss New Girl over there and we'll display the photographs in the next season's exhibition. There will be footage of the process being exhibited as well, think you can handle the job, New Girl?"

"Yes, ma'am." Trixie said, determined.

"Good. That's all you need to know by now, we're still developing the structures of the project, I just wanted to give you all a heads up. Now get out please."

All the employees in the room left, except for Trixie, who walked towards her boss.

"Hey, um...I'm sorry if I was petulant or something, I..."

"Didn't you hear me saying to get out?"

"Right...sorry, I'm..." Trixie turned around and left the room, sad and angry at the same time.

"Don't worry, she treats everyone like that. You'll get used to it, New Girl." an employee whose name tag said "Ross" said.

"You can call me by my real name, you know?"

"That's your new name now. Miss Katya's words, not mine!" he giggled and left before Trixie could respond.

She was upset that her first day at the new job was going terrible so far, but nothing like a good old talk on the phone with her best friend Kim. She went to the huge balcony of the office and called Kim, on the verge of tears.

"Kim? Oh my God, you have no idea what I had to put up with on the first fifteen minutes of my first day at work."

"What's going on, girl?" Kim asked over the phone.

"Well, first of all, my boss hates me for whatever reason. Really, you should've seen how she treated me, I was so pissed."

"What did she do?"

"Well, she didn't let me sit down for the meeting for a project that I am a part of, she humiliated me in front of everyone when I corrected her, because she got my name wrong, and now she refused to acknowledge me! She just calls me New Girl. She's a fucking nightmare, Kim."

"Calm down, Trix. She sounds like an asshole, but most bosses are like that. Maybe she's sexually frustrated and is taking out on you."

Trixie giggled at the thought.

"Yeah, maybe she is. Listen, I have to get back, there's going to be another meeting and then i'm going to photograph the new exhibition, something that has to do with tree branches. I'll talk to you later, bye."

When Trixie turned around, she got a jump scare from the woman standing feet away from her. Katya was smoking a cigarette, looking disinterested, staring at the grey sky above them.
Trixie walked past her like nothing happened. She didn't know how long the woman had been standing there nor if she heard her conversation with Kim.

"That's not the first time people say that about me behind my back. Just be careful, New Girl. The walls have ears." Katya said, not bothering to look at Trixie.

Trixie walked away in silence, her stomach turning with fear of the woman in red.

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