4. Art

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The entire week after the wedding was a nightmare for Trixie. Not only Katya was completely stressed out about the upcoming exhibition and taking out on everyone, but all of Trixie's co-workers were completely mad at her for having invited Katya to Pearl's wedding.
Trixie would have lunch all by herself and text Kim to feel less lonely on her free time.

At the end of the week, Pearl came back from her honeymoon, and the minute she walked into the gallery, Trixie could feel her heart on her throat.

"Trixie, can I talk to you? Outside?" Pearl asked with a sharp tone, quickly changing from the graceful air she had when she was greeting her fellow co-workers.

"S-sure..." Trixie stuttered, following her to the beautiful giant balcony.

They sat on one of the benches of the balcony, and Pearl lit a cigarette before starting to talk.

"So, you invited Katya to my wedding."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know..."

"Trixie, I don't know where you grew up, but here, when we don't invite someone is because we don't want them to come. Okay? You almost ruined my fucking wedding! And to think I thought you were a nice person...bullshit. You're a selfish motherfucker who wants to be liked by the boss so..."

"Excuse me." Katya interrupted Pearl, standing in front of them, holding a cigarette. "Trixie didn't invite me, I made her take me as her plus one. I threatened to fire her if she didn't. It wasn't her fault, you shouldn't be so hard on her."

"Is that true, Trixie?" Pearl asked, confused.

"I, um...I..." At this point, Trixie was so overwhelmed with thoughts that she started to cry and couldn't even form a sentence.

"Katya, you know how much respect I have for you, we've been working together for years now. I just didn't wanna make things weird because of Vi."

"Get back to work." Katya demanded, which Pearl obeyed.

Katya sat next to Trixie on the bench and continued to smoke her cigarette, looking at the landscape before them.

"Why did you say that?" Trixie was still crying. "I invited you because I wanted to..."

"I know." Katya said, her eyes still stuck on the landscape.

"Thank you." Trixie said, crying even more. As soon as she realizes she wasn't going to get a response from Katya, she stood up and went back to the gallery, where people wouldn't stop staring at her.


Trixie was setting up her equipment to start shooting Katya's performance with the models, while Katya was in a long golden satin robe walking impatiently, talking on her phone.

"Why today, of all days?...I know, Gigi...Fine, you'll be in the next season, I guess..." Katya threw her phone in the studio's couch and walked towards Trixie.

"Is everything okay?" Trixie asked, nervously.

"The other model got sick, and we need a third one, like, now. Can you handle the job?"

"Wait, what?"

"I'm gonna need you to fill in for her in the performance. It's just like I explained to you, you'll be naked and I will paint your body."

"But who's gonna photograph?" Trixie was already sweating with the idea of being naked before Katya.

"We'll put the camera in a tripod in auto mode while I paint you and when I'm done, I'll photograph you myself. Then, you will paint Jaida, and I will also photograph you two. I've done photography work before, so it'll be fine. So, are you in or not?"

"I...I don't know if I'm comfortable with nudity..."

"It's okay, I'll call someone else." Katya started to walk away, when Trixie's voice stopped her.

"Nevermind. I'll do it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Trixie wasn't sure, but the thought of someone else doing that with Katya was, for some reason, killing her.

Katya took of her robe, that slid softly from her smooth skin to the floor. She walked out of it and lay on the big white paper on the floor. Trixie wasn't looking at her with lust, despite being impossible to not acknowledge how sexy and gorgeous Katya looked. She was looking at her like she looked at a masterpiece, the studio light hitting her body in all the right places, drawing a perfect silhouette. Trixie had to wake herself up from her daydream multiple times while she was photographing the performance. The model looked very professional while painting Katya's body with the red, white and black paints, a professionalism Trixie wasn't sure she could carry if she was the one striking a brush all over Katya. It was hard not to desire her.
When that part was over, Katya stood up and handed her robe to Trixie.

"Take off your clothes." Katya ordered, which gave Trixie a pandemonium of butterflies in her stomach and shivers all over her body. "Put this on, you can take it off when we start."

Trixie took the robe and went to the small bathroom in the studio to undress. She tried to calm herself down multiple times, for she couldn't stop shaking and slightly sweating, even though the air conditioner was on.
She could feel a heat between her legs the minute she put on Katya's robe. Her smell was impregnated in it, and it was driving Trixie insane. The feeling of the silk on her skin was also making her burn with a desire to be touched right there, right then. A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, so she gathered her clothes and came out of the bathroom, and her heart raced when she saw Katya.

"Lie down, careful not to stain my robe." Katya said while finishing to set up the camera on the tripod.

Trixie obeyed, taking off the beautiful golden robe and laying on top of the paint-stained paper on the floor.
Katya put on a slow jazz playlist that she hadn't put before and walked towards Trixie, kneeling before her and grabbing the brush. Katya took a good look at Trixie's body and put a hand on her face when she noticed how much the girl was shaking.

"Are you nervous?" Katya said, surprisingly calm.

"I get very nervous around you." Trixie regretted saying that the minute she said it. She didn't know why she said that out loud, and hoped it didn't come off weird to Katya.

"Is it because i'm your boss?"

"Yes." It wasn't just that.

"In here we're artists, nothing more. Relax." Katya ran her bony fingers through the side of Trixie's face, calming her down. It was impressive how much making art changed Katya for the better.

Trixie closed her eyes and allowed herself to relax and accept the cold wet paint on her body. She sighed at the touch, but Katya's fingers on her face kept calming her down when her nervousness tried to come back. After a few minutes, Trixie dared to open her eyes and her first sight were big blue eyes looking intensely at hers. Trixie's nervous system exploded and she let out a giggle, and suddenly, she couldn't stop laughing. She wasn't finding the situation funny at all, but she had an issue where she laughs when she's nervous.
Even thought she was giggling and trying to hold it back, Trixie's thoughts were pure desperation. She thought Katya would be furious at her and throw her out of the studio, but what surprised her the most is that Katya only put her index finger gently on her lips and quietly shushed her until she stopped laughing. Trixie had to use all of the strength on her body to not kiss that finger, and that was enough to make her stop laughing.
Suddenly, her eyes were so connected to Katya's that her body almost entered in a state of numbness, where she could barely feel the brush anymore. The sound of the jazz music and the camera's clicks were almost totally gone for her. All Trixie could hear was Katya's breath, Katya's heartbeat, the blink of her beautiful blue eyes.
That moment felt like she had sex with Katya a thousand times. Trixie was sunken so deep into that moment she could barely remember what she did afterwards when she painted Jaida's body's.


Katya usually had lunch alone in her office, meanwhile everyone else would go to a restaurant that was across the street from the gallery. This time wasn't different, except that Trixie was having lunch in the same bench as that morning, all by herself in the balcony. She could see Katya's office through the big window on the balcony, but Katya was too busy ignoring her food and looking at her phone to notice that Trixie was right outside.
Out of a sudden, Trixie noticed Katya discretely putting her hand inside her skirt and slightly smiling. Trixie's face was burning red, which she couldn't figure out if it was out of embarrassment or lust.
Katya kept on touching herself, speeding up the pace as it went, not taking long to reach her orgasm. Trixie completely forgot there was food in front of her. For some reason, her eyes were glued to the beautifully spent woman sitting on her chair with a smile Trixie had never seen on her lips before. A smile that soaked Trixie's panties.
When reality hit her, Trixie focused back on her lunch, still sweating and shivering from what she had just witnessed.
She couldn't lie to herself anymore: she had a crush on her boss.

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