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9 months later

"He is such an asshole!" Trixie said, walking around Katya's office.

"He is, but his exhibitions always bring good money to the gallery, so..." Katya said, shutting her laptop close. "Let's go home, baby, I'm exhausted." Katya took her bag and put her arm around Trixie's waist, guiding her out of the office.

"I have to go back to my place, Kat. It's been days, I need to water my plants."

"Those fucking plants, always ruining everything." Katya complained with a smirk and gave Trixie a gentle kiss on the lips.

"You can come with me if you want. Tomorrow's our day off..." They stopped walking, standing in front of the elevator.

"That's tempting...Ah, what the hell, let's go to your place."

At Trixie's, after they took a very long shower together, they lay down in bed and cuddled, enjoying the warmth of each other's bodies on that cold winter night.

"Kat?" Trixie said, sniffing her hair.


"I love you."

At that point, they had already said "I love you" quite a lot, but this time, Trixie was saying it like she meant it a thousand times more. Katya lifted her head up to look at Trixie and smiled at her.

"I love you too, baby." Katya gave her a small kiss and smiled on her lips. "Are you going back to your hometown for Christmas?"

"Oh, absolutely not."

"Good. We can spend it together. Our first Christmas." Katya said, caressing her face.

"There's nothing I want more in the world. I love you."

"I love you."


The next week Katya was in a moody day. She was stressed about the next exhibition and about the artist being a jerk. Trixie and Katya ended up fighting, so Trixie decided to take her laptop to the lunch table and to work in peace.

At lunch, Trixie finished some editings and since she was not hungry, she went to the studio to clean up her camera lenses.

"Hey, Trixie, are you joining our Secret Santa?" Pearl asked hanging at the door.

"Of course I am, it's so much fun..."

"Alright, great. Do you think Katya will join us too? She usually doesn't but maybe if you ask her...?" Pearl asked with puppy eyes and Trixie couldn't say 'no'.

"Sure, I'll see what I can do." Trixie forced a smile.


At the end of the day, Trixie was standing in the sidewalk waiting for her Uber, since she came to work with Katya and hasn't talk to her since their stupid little fight earlier.

"Get in." Katya said, stopping the car in front of Trixie, in the middle of the street. The cars started to honk behind her.

"I'm fine."

"For fucks sake, I can't stop in the middle of the avenue, get in!" Katya said opening the door and Trixie decided to get in the car.

They stayed silence for a while until Trixie finally said:

"You are so fucking cranky"

"And you are a spoiled brat blonde bimbo." Trixie chocked a laugh when Katya said this.

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