3. Wedding

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Trixie looked beautiful and she knew it. She kept twirling in front of the mirror, watching the big circle skirt of her pink gown flow. Her "feeling myself" moment was ruined by her phone ringing, it was Katya.

"Uhm...hello?" Trixie answered.

"Where the hell are you?"

"I'm waiting for my uber to arrive. Why?"

"Cancel it. I called a privet driver, we're in the front of your building, hurry up!"

"Wait, you know where I live?"

"Of course I do. Come on, Trinity, we're gonna be late!"

"It's Trix..." Trixie was interrupted by Katya hanging up on her.

Trixie quickly canceled her uber and went downstairs as fast as she could, considering how high her heels were. Outside the building, there was a big black fancy car, which she would assume it was the one Katya was in, so she went in.
And there she was; In a tight red gown with a big opening on the left, revealing Katya's long smooth legs. Her blue eyes were shining even more due to the black glitter on her eyelids, and the final touch of a blood red lipstick had contrasted beautifully with her pale skin.

"Finally! Let's go!" Katya said to Trixie, then to the driver.
"You look really beautiful!" Trixie said, hesitantly.
"I know." Katya sighed, looking out the window, her mind definitely somewhere else.

After about half an hour of silence, Katya suddenly turned to Trixie.

"I just don't get why Pearl wouldn't invite me. I was always so nice to her!"

"I mean, like you were nice to me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing...Well, um...she must've forgotten or something."

"She remembered to invite you! I don't get it, I just...I don't get it." Katya looked out the window again, furiously.

Trixie was definitely terrified of the woman, but somewhere in between that fear there was something turning her on. Trixie was incredibly confused with her feelings towards Katya, almost enough to make her head hurt whenever she was around.

When they arrived at the wedding venue, they immediately saw their co-workers, who looked surprised but not in a good way.

"Trixie, hey!" Fame said, giving Trixie a hug. "What is she doing here?" she whispered in Trixie's ear.

"I felt bad for her, so I gave her my plus one."

"Trixie, you can't feel bad for the devil. Pearl is gonna freak out when she sees her here. You shouldn't have done that."

Trixie saw the looks she and Katya we're getting from everyone. They were clearly mad at her.

"I don't think your colleagues are very happy to see you, Tiffany. Did you piss them off?" Katya said.

"Actually, I think they..."

"Let's sit down, the ceremony is about to start."

Trixie and Katya sat right next to each other, since the seats were reserved for Trixie and her plus one.
Pearl walked down the aisle first. She looked like a fairy princess, and had the most beautiful smile in the world, a smile that faded away when she saw Katya, but she tried to keep her composure, after all, it was her wedding day.
Trixie felt a strong grip on her leg when Violet appeared. Katya was involuntarily digging her nails into Trixie's thigh, staring angrily at Violet.

"No fucking way." Katya whispered, loud enough for Trixie to hear.

"What? What's going on?"  Trixie whispered to her.

"That's my ex! Violet! I didn't know she was dating Pearl, let alone that they were engaged...fuck! I have to go." Katya was lucky they were sitting in the back row, so no one noticed when she stood up and left.

Trixie didn't think twice about standing up and going after her boss, whom she found cursing at the wind in the bathroom of the venue.

"Hey...what happened?" Trixie asked, fearfully.

"It's none of your business." Katya yelled.

"Okay..." Trixie turned around to leave.

"Wait..." Katya's call made Trixie turn right back around. "It was a bad ideia for me to show up uninvited. I need to get out of here. I think there's a restaurant down the street..."


Katya walked out of the bathroom and Trixie followed her. Both of them seemed unaware that they were actually walking down the street in gowns. It was in the late afternoon on a Sunday though, so the street was practically empty.
After walking a block, Katya only then seemed to notice Trixie's presence.

"Why are you following me?" Katya asked.

"You told me to come with you...I guess..."

"Yeah, sure..." Katya continued walking, in silence.

Trixie was always very confused by the woman's behavior, but she was beginning to notice that Katya was only capable of focusing on herself, completely forgetting her surroundings.
Katya rushed inside a mildly fancy restaurant and Trixie entered right after, trying to keep up with Katya's pace.
Trixie didn't quite know why she was more excited about being around her hateful boss than at a friend's wedding, but her instincts knew best.

"I'll have a bottle of wine please." Katya said to the waiter as soon as she sat on the table.

"Are you okay?" Trixie patiently asked.

"Why do you care?"

"I don't wanna cross any boundaries but...you seem very upset."

Katya stayed in silence until the bottle of wine and the two glasses arrived. After taking the first sip, she began talking.

"That's my ex that Pearl's marrying. I wasn't expecting that. I don't wanna talk about it."

"Do you want me to go?"


Trixie was just about to stand up when Katya said:

"Help me finish this wine first. Drinking alone in public is pathetic."

Trixie sat back down and they drank in silence. It was somehow comfortable and awkward to sit in silence with Katya, but Trixie wouldn't throw away the opportunity to become closer with that woman.

After about fifteen minutes, Katya payed for the wine and Trixie followed her to the exit.

"Listen, girl. Let me give you a ride home. You were really nice to me today, I appreciate that." Katya said unexpectedly.

"Thanks..." Trixie was surprised with the statement.

"Thank you." Katya looked serious, as usual, but had a grateful glimpse that Trixie had never seen before.

The ride home was pretty quiet, but it was a comfortable silence, not awkward this time. After they arrived at Trixie's place, she gracefully left the car and said her goodbyes.

"Don't be late for work tomorrow, Trixie."

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