6. Hello, Goodbye, Hello

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"Hey, the brownies are almost..."

Katya took a look around her living room and sighed when she noticed that Trixie was gone. She threw herself in the couch and stared at the coffee table, her eyes immediately drawn to the camera forgotten on top of it. Trixie's camera. Her sleepiness didn't allow her to think too much about her actions, for she just automatically grabbed the camera and started to look at the photos. She skipped all the photos of the gallery's artworks and ended up on a photo of Trixie in college with two other friends, sitting on the grass and smiling. Unconsciously, Katya smirked as well. She kept going through the photos, completely hypnotized by Trixie. Another photo that caught her attention was one of Trixie on a tire swing. Her long blonde hair flowing with the wind and golden from the sunshine, her eyes pressed close and her big smile, her bare feet in the air; everything about that photo was doing something to Katya. Something that she couldn't quite figure out, so she spent about half an hour trying to do so. She burned her brownies, but she couldn't bother to care. She was one hundred percent hypnotized by that happy blonde girl, and she didn't quite know what to do with that feeling.


Trixie slept all day long after getting home and crying out of embarrassment. She would've never tried to kiss Katya if she wasn't sure she was getting signs from her, which she mistakenly thought she was. That was enough reason for her to decide not to work with her anymore, for Trixie knew how impracticable it could be to work with some you may be developing feelings for, especially after getting rejected like that. And that she did.

The day after Katya gave Trixie a day off, Katya anxiously waited for the girl in her office. Time went by and no sign of Trixie, and that began to concern Katya more than annoy her. Around 9A.M., she decided to call Trixie, but had no response. 9:30, no response. 10 o'clock, still no response.

KATYA: Are you coming to work? The exhibition is this weekend, I need you here.

KATYA: There's no excuse to miss work unless you're dead or someone died.

KATYA: That last text was an angry one, but still. Where are you? Is everything okay?

Nothing. Trixie just vanished from the face of the earth.

"Did anyone talk to Trixie today? Did she call in sick or something?" Katya said at the cafeteria where everyone was having lunch. Due to the big storm that day, everyone ordered in.

"I haven't." Pearl said.

"Didn't hear from her either." Fame added. A few other people in the room nodded, indicating they didn't have a clue about whatever happened to Trixie.

"Maybe she'll show up tomorrow. She must've gotten sick or something."

She didn't. As the storm on the outside intensified the next day, so did Katya's concern. Like the day before, she spent all morning calling and texting Trixie, uselessly. In the afternoon, she took her things and drove to Trixie's house, barely making there due to the intense storm. She buzzed the bell to Trixie's apartment, and the 2 minutes she stayed outside the building were enough to completely soak her.

"Fuck, I always forget the damn umbrella."

Katya went upstairs and impatiently knocked on Trixie's door. Trixie couldn't look more of a mess. She was on a yellow sweats set with white socks on, her hair looking like it hadn't been washed in three days and her glasses definitely could use a cleansing wipe.

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