7. Cancún - Part 1

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"Hi, can I get a double espresso please? Thanks"

Katya texted Trixie for the millionth time that day. There was only 45 minutes until their flight and she was not in the mood to be patient. She ran her eyes through the departure lounge trying to find Trixie when she finally saw the blonde girl in a summer floral dress, denim jacket and white boots struggling to cary her exaggeratedly big travel bag.

"Sorry, my uber was late." Trixie said.

"You really need to buy a car..." Katya said sipping her coffee.

"Do you know how much you pay me?"

"I could pay you better if you stayed."

"Let's not have this conversation now, please." Trixie said while opening a pack of gum.


After a good amount of hours, they finally landed in Cancún. At immigration, Trixie was desperate because she didn't speak spanish very well and the lady was trying to say something to her.

"¿Cuál es el motivo de tu visita a México?"

"I'm so sorry, I don't speak spanish." Trixie said.

"Trabajo." Katya said behind her. "Ella es mi compañera y estamos aquí para dar una charla."

"Muy bien. Tiene la dirección del hotel donde se hospeda?" The lady asked.

"Creo que si, un momento por favor." Katya stared to search for something in her beg but all Trixie could think about is how sexy spanish sounds when it comes out of Katya's mouth. She wondered what other qualities her mouth had.

After the immigration process they got into a cab where Katya once again showed off her language skills, making Trixie even more turned on.

They did the check-in at the hotel and went straight to the room to unpack and shower.

"Wait, there's just one key." Trixie noticed when they were in the elevator.

"They must have booked just one room."

"Are we gonna share the room?"

"Trixie you're already staying at a five star hotel in Cancún for free, are you really going to complain?" Katya sounded tired of Trixie's childish behavior that has been happening for the past week.

"Right, sorry. You're right, I'm just so stressed out lately."

"I'm gonna book you a massage tomorrow, you really need to chill."

Their room was big enough for both of them. It had two king size beds, a huge TV, a bathroom with two sinks and a very cozy balcony.

"So, it's 8AM right now, it's still early. Do you wanna grab some breakfast?" Katya asked.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to take a hot shower and sleep for a little bit, I'm super tired. I couldn't sleep on the plane." Trixie said.

"Okay, I'm tired too. How about lunch in five hours?"

"Sounds great." Trixie entered the bathroom, leaving Katya alone in the room that would be completely silent if it wasn't for the sound of the shower.


"Katya, wake up, it's almost 1:30 PM."

When Katya opened her eyes she thought she was still dreaming. She saw Trixie in a light pink bikini with a quite small thong and a white sheer cover-up and went down to her ankles. Katya's mouth watered at the sight of the blonde goddess in front of her.

"Why are you dressed like this?" Katya asked putting a pillow over her head to block the sunlight.

"I read on the hotel flyer that we can have lunch by the pool! I think it's a great idea for us to enjoy everything since we're only here for three days."

"Ughhh, fine." Katya said, rolling out of the bed lazily.

Katya realized she only brought a black one shoulder bikini with a some straps on the hips instead of a waist band, she realized right away it was a terrible choice because she would get bizarre tan lines, but decided to wear it anyways and stay under the sunshade.


Trixie was laying down on her belly with her bikini top untied to prevent tan lines and her skin was getting a little too pink.

"You're gonna get a sun burn" Katya said without taking her eyes out of her book.

"Oh shit, I forgot to apply sunscreen on my back." She said getting up and holding her bikini on place.

"C'mere. I got you." Katya set her book aside and grabbed the tube of sunscreen lotion.

Trixie sat in front of her, still holding her bikini so her boss could run her hands carefree through her back. At the first touch, Katya noticed goosebumps all over Trixie's neck and she was happy with the effect her hands caused on her body. She noticed all the little details of Trixie. Her freckled shoulders, the cute little dimples at the bottom of her spine and how soft her skin was. Katya desperately wanted to kiss every single inch of her.

She tied her bikini and Trixie turned around to look at that beautiful blue eyes. They stared at each other for two seconds but it seemed like 2 years. The sexual tension was undeniably strong but the moment was over then the guy brought their nachos and margaritas.

"I have to make a phone call, I'll be back in a hot minute." Katya said.

She desperately opened FaceTime, trying to find her lifelong friend Fena's number and praying for her to pick up.

"Fena, I'm fucked." She said when her best friend answered the phone.

"What happened?"

"I wanna fuck her, Fena. I wanna fuck her so bad." Katya was almost crying.

"What are you talking about, bitch?"

"Trixie! My new photographer. I've been working with her and she's as hot as she is annoying. You know I would never go to bed with my employees, I don't know what's happening to me."

"I know you haven't got laid in months, maybe a year, and isn't she going to leave the gallery anyways?" Fena asked.

"She is, but still! I can't believe I'm about to be this unprofessional. And for what?"

"Go get that pussy, Katya! You're in Cancún, with a hot girl on her hands and knees for you, she's not gonna work for you anymore and I honestly can't think of a good reason you're holding yourself back. Didn't she try to kiss you or something?"

"She did...Fena, are you sure?" Katya was reluctant.

"Did I ever give you bad advice?"

"You're right. I'm gonna allow myself enjoy the moment, for once." She finally said. "Thank you, Fena, I gotta go now, bye."

"Bye! Have fun."

When she returned to the pool, Trixie had already eaten half of the nachos and was drinking her margarita with her eyes closed, listening to a song on her AirPods. Katya went back to her book, hoping that by the end of their trip she would have her face between those gorgeous legs.

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