2. Impressing

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The next day, Trixie arrived at the Gallery ten minutes earlier, but the front door was locked. She decided to sit on the staircase while sipping her tea and wait for someone else to arrive. Luckily, or not, that someone was Katya.

"Good morning, Miss Katya!"

This time, Katya as wearing a black tight dress, black pantyhose and a red winter coat. She, who once again was paying attention to her phone, jumped and brought her hand to her chest.

"Jesus fucking Christ, you scared the shit out of me." She looked down to Trixie with confusion. "Who the fuck are you?"

"It's me, Trixie." Katya still looked confused and Trixie rolled her eyes. "The New Girl?"

"Oh, right!! Let's get to work, New Girl, we have a lot of things to do."

While they were in the elevator, Katya was explaining to Trixie how the project was going to work. She told her the first pictures would be of herself painting her own body, and Trixie should capture every moment. Then, Katya would paint the models and finally the models would paint each other.

"It's really about the way art captivates people and how it spreads through society in different ways, but maintaining its spirit." Katya said.
Trixie was overwhelmed by Katya's passion for art. She thought that maybe her boss wasn't a monster deep inside her cold heart, she must've been going through something that was making her bitter. "Why are you not taking notes?" - Katya asked, snapping her fingers.

"I- I'm... sorry?"

"Don't be sorry, be better."

Katya walked out of the elevator and entered the photoshoot room. She took her coat off and Trixie had a privileged view of her back muscles, making her mouth water.

"We're doing a few pictures today, just you and me. I want the photos to be from the waist up. I'm not painting the rest of my body." Katya demanded.

"Got it."

Katya began do strip her dress and bra, staying with her black lacy underwear and pantyhose only. Trixie, who was sitting on a chair preparing her equipment started to cross and contract her legs involuntarily. The sight of Katya breasts and hard piercing nipples due to the air conditioner was making Trixie inconsolably horny. And she was loathing herself for that.

She photographed Katya in many angles while she was painting herself in abstract forms, using mostly black and white and some times a pop of color in strategical places.

When she was working, Katya was silent and relaxed, as if the felling of the soft brush and the wet cold paint on her warm skin and the chemical smell was calming her nerves.

"I gotta say, New Girl, I'm really impressed by your photograph work, I really like the blur on the rest of the photo, making the paint the real star."

"Thank you." Trixie smiled.

"I assume you have a lot of work to do with the editing now, so you're dismissed for today." Katya said, wiping the excess of paint on her body. Trixie didn't paid attention to a single word that came out of her mouth, she was too concentrated on Katya's hands carelessly running through her chest.

Katya seemed to notice Trixie's interest and for some reason she felt a wave of electricity between her legs, but a second of sanity brought her back to reality and she just turned away, making her way to the bathroom and leaving Trixie alone.


The third day of work was very similar to the second one. Trixie decided to wear something to catch Katya's attention since she was going to be working with her all day long. She decided to wear a short and tight hot pink dress, a jeans jacket, because it was a rainy day, and her unbelievably comfortable transparent kitten heels.

She got the key of the gallery the previous day so she could wait for her boss in the lounge area and admire Katya's paintings on the wall. She got a text from her saying she was going to be late, followed by a long 'to-do list', which included order Katya's lunch.

Although she was not her secretary, Trixie didn't mind doing Katya some favors while she was gone. She entered the cafeteria to get hot water for her tea and found Pearl and Fame talking while having coffee.

"Looking good today, Trixie." Fame said.

"Thank you!"

"I wanted to talk to you yesterday, but you were already gone. Anyways, I'd like to invite you to my weeding next weekend." Pearl handed Trixie a light purple envelope with white and delicate fake flowers in it. "I know you've only been here for two days, but you're so nice and it's gonna be a great opportunity for all of us to get to know you better."

"Oh my god, Pearl! Thank you, I'm so glad you already trust me enough to invite me to your weeding." Trixie said looking at the invitation. It said Pearl and Violet.

"Of course, sweetie. It's gonna be a huge party, the more people I like are at my wedding, the best."

"I'm sure Violet is a really lucky girl to have you, of course I will be there."

They chatted for a little bit when Trixie noticed it was almost 10AM, which meant that Katya would be arriving soon.

"Shit, I gotta go girls, Katya is going to kill me if I'm not waiting for her in her office." Trixie said pouring more tea on her mug.

"Ugh, poor you. God knows what it's going on with that woman." Fame said "I think she's sexually frustrated."

Trixie laughed. "Yeah, I think so too."

She set the air conditioner to a temperature comfortable enough to take her jacket off and placed her mug and wedding invitation on Katya's table while she was quickly reapplying lipstick.

"Good morning, New Girl." she heard Katya behind her. She was looking as hot as Trixie remembered from the last day. "Good, you're already here, my doctors appointment took longer than expected and now we have to run."

The light purple paper catched Katya's attention and her jaw dropped when she saw the name.

"Pearl is getting married? Like, Pearl from Sculptures?"

"Uhm, yeah. She invited everyone yesterday. I just got mine." Trixie said.

"How come you're invited and I'm not?" Katya seemed really angry. She grabbed Trixie's mug and took a sip of her tea, making a disgusted face right after. "Is this tea? Oh, God, it's terrible."

"You were not invited?" Trixie asked genuinely chocked.

"No! And I wonder why I wasn't, I've always liked Pearl... It doesn't matter, let's talk about the exhibition."

"Hey, listen, I have a plus one if you'd like to come with me." Trixie said feeling genuinely sorry for Katya, who stared at her for a while with an unclockable expression before answering.

"No. I hate weddings."

They were working and debating on Katya's project, but she felt visibly uncomfortable with anything Trixie was doing. She didn't even notice Trixie got all dressed up for her that day.

"Okay, you know what?" Katya said hitting her palms on the the table.

"What?" Trixie felt afraid she was going to be fired.

"I am coming to that fucking wedding with you. I wanna see the look on people's faces." She said. "And I need some coffee."

Katya left the room, leaving Trixie feeling confused and turned on at the same time.

"Oh, and by the way..." Katya returned and took a long look at Trixie from head to toe. "Throw those shoes away, they're horrible.

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