10. Gossip

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Trixie took a deep breath in the mirror and looked at herself one last time. Plain yellow dress, her favorite white boots and a ponytail. Simple. Elegant. Casual. But professional.
She couldn't believe she was actually trying to impress a woman that already liked her and has shown her that in the most literal ways possible, but still, it was Trixie's first day back in the office being an official employee, not just an intern anymore, and most importantly, Katya's love interest. Things had definitely changed after that trip, and Trixie was already feeling it.

When she stepped out of the elevator, all employees treated her with the same politeness and sympathy as before, after all, the only information they had was that Trixie was now a permanent member of the gallery, and that's all.

Her heartbeat's pace sped up by every step she took towards Katya's office. It was like they hadn't text each other all day long for the past week, where Katya had another business trip all alone and Trixie stayed in Boston. This would be the first time they'd be seeing each other after Cancún.

"Knock knock..." Trixie said, opening the door.

Katya was sitting there, with a tight, midi-length black dress with a very generous cleavage, black pumps and her long blonde hair perfectly falling through her shoulders. She had on reading glasses and her eyes were glued to the laptop before her.

"Come in." Katya said, not taking her eyes off of the screen.

"I was expecting a warmer welcome." Trixie said, with a little smile.

When Katya noticed it was her, she look at Trixie, took off her glasses and stood up, closing the blinds of her office's window.

"Close the door." She told Trixie, who obeyed immediately.

As soon as Katya finished closing the blinds, she walked moderately fast towards Trixie and didn't hesitate to hold her by the waist and kiss her passionately.

"I've missed you so much." she said on Trixie's lips.

"I've missed you too..."

Katya pulled her and they started to walk backwards to Katya's desk. Katya moved her laptop aside to sit Trixie in its place, pulling her closer with her legs around her waist.

"I can't wait to fuck you in the shower tonight." Katya said, catching her breath, still holding Trixie close.

"Oh, so we're going out tonight."

"No, we're going to my place. I have something special planned out for us."

"I can't wait." Trixie smiled and kissed her again.

"Katya, you've got a phone..." Jared, the receptionist, walked in and froze when he caught Katya and Trixie making out. "...call."

They both stared at him for a few seconds in the most awkward silence ever. Trixie looked at Katya, who looked extremely upset.

"Get back to work, baby. I'll meet you up for lunch, okay?" Katya whispered to Trixie.

"Okay." Trixie whispered back, slowly coming down from Katya's desk and awkwardly leaving the office.


On their lunch break, as usual, all of the employees went out to eat in their favorite restaurant, meanwhile Trixie and Katya stayed at the gallery's balcony.

"Do you think he's gonna tell everyone?" Trixie asked, taking a bite of her vegan burger.

"He might. Ninety percent of the people here hate me, so there's no use asking him to keep a secret."

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