9. Cancún - Part 3

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Trixie and Katya could probably make the elevator fall down due to how hard they were making out in it. They had been waiting to be with each other for so long that they simply couldn't hold it until they got to their room. They were so absentmindedly making out that they didn't even notice when the elevator door opened and a family walked in. A father, a mother and their little daughter, staring completely horrified with the scene.

''Buenas noches.'' The man said.

Trixie and Katya slowly untangled their bodies and looked, completely embarrassed, at the family standing before them. Katya tried her best to fix her hair that at that point was beyond salvation. Trixie's hair also looked like a bird's nest.

''Lo siento.'' Katya whispered, holding back a smirk.

The family left the elevator on the floor just below theirs, and as soon as the doors closed again, they started laughing uncontrollably.

''What was that, oh my God...'' Trixie said mid-laughter.

''We look like perverts now.'' Katya said, scandalously laughing.

Trixie's laughter turned into a sweet smile. She had never seen Katya so loosen up, having fun and laughing her guts off. She loved that sight.
The elevator didn't take too long to reach their floor. They walked towards their room holding hands and Katya opened the door for them. Trixie put her bag o the floor next to the bed and took her jean jacket off.

''So, we're going to talk about...'' She got interrupted by Katya throwing her on the bed and completely shutting her up with a passionate kiss, her hands running through every inch of her body.

''You talk too much. You look so pretty with your mouth shut, baby.'' Katya said, making Trixie laugh and returning to the kiss.

Katya's hand found her way under Trixie's dress, running the length of her thigh up until her soaked panties. She kept teasing her over the thin fabric, making Trixie quietly moan on her mouth. Katya didn't want to stop for anything in the world, for she finally was able to touch Trixie like she'd always wanted to, but there was just too much fabric going on so she took off her own dress and helped Trixie get rid of hers.

''You're the most beautiful work of ark that has ever entered my gallery.'' Katya said, admiring Trixie's body, finally being able to express her lust for her.

''Tell me more about that.'' Trixie said, opening her legs. Katya understood her right away.

''You look like you have been sculpted...'' Katya kissed her inner thighs. ''By a thousand angels...'' Katya pulled her panties down and off. ''For millions and millions of years...'' She held Trixie's thighs and pulled her close to her face. ''...just for me.'' Katya buried her face between Trixie's legs, making love to her with her tongue, swirling it around her clit, hitting all the right places.

Trixie felt like she was dreaming. She couldn't believe that woman was right there between her legs, making her squirm with pleasure. The heat waves got strong and stronger as time went by and Trixie was not holding back how much she wanted Katya.

''Fuck me...'' Trixie nearly begged.

Katya lifted her head up, which made Trixie cry with frustration and straddled forward to whisper on Trixie's ear.

''Tell me how much you want it.''

''I want you so bad. So bad...please...'' Trixie was lifting her hips forward, trying to get some friction on Katya's thigh.

''My girl...'' Katya gave her a quick kiss before returning to her wide open legs and continued what she started, this time, with two fingers inside Trixie, increasing the pace as it went.
Trixie didn't take her hands off of Katya's hair for one second, caressing her scalp often times too strong due to the waves of pleasure that were fulfilling her body.

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