11. Addiction

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"Fuck." Katya said when she plugged her charger for the millionth time and it didn't work. Her battery was almost dead and she was staying in North Carolina for two more days before going back home. She had to give speech at the University of North Carolina and was the guest at their Arts Fair.

Katya sat down on her hotel bed, thinking that it was almost 12AM and she would take care of this in the morning. She decided to text Trixie before her phone would die, completely.

"Hey, my charger is broken so I might not be able to talk to you soon. I just wanna say I miss your pussy...Oh, and I miss you too"

Trixie didn't respond, she was probably sleeping anyways. Katya rolled down to the other side of the bed, the left side, Trixie's side, and she could not believe she was missing her that much.

Since they came back from Cancún, a week ago, they were always together. At work, at each other's places, having breakfast at Trixie's favorite café, everywhere. Katya never really got to miss Trixie, but then, alone in a hotel room and far from home, she could really notice the abstinence of her. She looked up at her phone, noticed she had 4% of battery left, and without thinking, she pressed Trixie's face on FaceTime and Trixie picked up after a few seconds.

"Hey." Trixie said, sleepy.

"Hi." Without noticing, Katya was smiling.

"What?" The girl asked on the other side and Katya could say she was smiling too.

"Nothing, I just called you because I wanted to hear you voice."

"That's so gay, even for me."

"Okay, good night"

"Wait! Stay, I was kidding. I miss you so much."

"I know... I miss your body next to mine, I'm not used to sleep without holding you anymore." Katya said closing her eyes and visualizing every each of Trixie's body.

"Yeah, my bed feels so empty without y-" The call ended and Trixie didn't realize until the finish her sentence. "Hello?" she asked.

She saw Katya's message and figured her phone died officially. She turned to the right side of the bed, holding a pillow and fell asleep thinking about how much she missed Katya.


The next morning, Trixie was at Katya's office doing some paper work for their new project and calculating the budget. It had been a couple of days since Roxy was fired and since then, she never heard one single comment about her relationship with her boss, at least not in front of her. She was typing frenetically and was brutally interrupted by Katya calling her on Skype.

"Are you in my office?" It was the first thing Katya said.

"Well, I don't have an office for myself and this one was empty."

"Thank god I still have a little bit of battery left on my laptop. By the way, you look sexy in the boss' chair." Katya noticed she was wearing a light pink blouse with the first three buttons opened, showing a decent amount of cleavage. She had her hair in a messy bun and two pens holding it in place and the was wearing her sexy secretary glasses. "God, you're such a view."

"You like it?" Trixie opened one more button, revealing her white lacy bra.

"You know I do."

"Good, you can have it when you're back." Trixie closed two buttons of her blouse.

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