8. Cancún - Part 2

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The first day wasn't busy at all for Trixie and Katya. They spent the entire afternoon by the pool, relaxing. Trixie tanned between swims and that resulted in a beautiful light golden tan on her skin. Katya finished her entire book, only taking her eyes off of it a few times to admire Trixie when she was swimming.
When the sun was setting, Trixie gathered her stuff and tapped Katya on her shoulder.

"Hey, I'm going back to our room, I'm going to take a shower."

"Okay." Katya looked back at her phone.

"I need the key..."

"Oh, here." Katya took the key and handed to Trixie, the touch of their hands giving her chills.

"Thanks. Aren't you coming? The hotel's dinner will be served in an hour."

"I'll be there in a few minutes. Im just gonna get one more drink at the hotel bar. Leave the door open for me, please."


Trixie walked away hoping that Katya would change her mind and follow her to the room. She didn't.
Since she was alone in the room, Trixie took advantage of the moment to sing from the top of her lungs while she was in the shower. She washed and shaved every inch of her body, just in case. She was still embarrassed about being rejected by Katya but that feeling was melting away as they stayed together in the trip. And Trixie could've sworn she saw Katya checking her out a few times while she was at the pool.
Trixie stepped out of the bathtub/shower and realized she had forgotten her towel on her bed, which was okay since she was alone in the room. Or so she thought. Trixie distractedly walked out of the bathroom completely naked and dripping, and let out a scream when she saw Katya sitting on the bed with nothing but her swimsuit, staring at her shyly covering her parts with her hands.

"Oh my God, I didn't know you were here!" Trixie quickly grabbed the towel and wrapped it around her chest.

"Oh, don't mind me."

"Katya, you just saw me...naked..."

"Oh my God, you're acting like I've never seen you naked before. That is the whole reason why we're here in the first place."

Trixie looked at her boss, confused.

"Our exhibition, Trixie. The photos? Your photos?"

"Oh, yes. Totally. Completely."

"You're weird." Katya said, standing up from the bed and walking towards Trixie, standing only a few inches away from her face. "And that's adorable." Katya stared at her for a few seconds with a naughty smirk.

Trixie's sunburned face got even redder with that intense stare. She couldn't figure out if she was still wet from the shower or if it was just Katya's effect on her.
Katya finally broke eye contact with her and looked down.

"Your towel just fell."

"Shit!" Trixie awkwardly picked up her towel from the ground and wrapped it, once again, around her chest, but Katya was already in the bathroom.


The resort's restaurant was absolutely gorgeous. Part of it was on the outdoors, lit by big beautiful lanterns with a yellowish tone to them. Both of them decided to sit on the outdoor area, after grabbing their food. They started to eat in silence, and kept it that way for several minutes until Katya abruptly broke the silence with a question.

"How come you never talk about your family?"

"What?" Trixie asked, waking up from her daydream.

"I've never seen you talk about your family before. I was just wondering how come."

"Well they...nevermind, it's stupid. I'm just not very close with them."

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