The Meeting

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Freddy's POV:

My friends and I have just finished a performance for the kids and are exhausted. I sit down at the edge of the stage and watched Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Golden Freddy (Goldie) talking to each other and laughing. I sighed happily and closed my eyes, getting ready to take a nap. I closed my eyes and not even a minute later I hear 5 big thuds. My eyes shot open and I looked around trying to figure out who fell and then my eyes came across 2 humans and 3 skeletons on the floor of the restaurant. I ran over to them and my friends and brother did as well.

"Are you guys okay?!" I asked, holding out my hand for each of them. They all took my hand, one by one, as I helped them up. "Thank Asgore there are helpful people here. We would've been danged if that wasn't the case." One of the skeletons, one wearing a blue hoodie with a white T-shirt underneath, socks, black with white stripped shorts, and pink slippers. "No sh*t, Sherlock." Another skeleton, one with a black jacket with fur at the top and a red shirt underneath, socks, black with yellow stripped shorts, and sneakers. "Yeah, no sh*t, Sans." The other skeleton, the one with a short, pointed sleeved shirt, black shorts with a purple strip, socks and sneakers. "Don't be rude, you guys. Sans is just making sure we're safe." One of the humans, the girl with short brown hair, a blue and green stripped shirt, jeans, socks, sneakers, and earrings, said. "You both know how protective Sans is of his friends and the ones he loves, but especially you know about that, RED." The other human, the girl with short brown hair, blue and yellow stripped shirt, sweat pants, socks, and sneakers, said. The skeleton with the black jacket blushed red and said, "Sh-shut up, you dipsh*t! If you say things like that then people will figure out our 'secret'! D*mn idiot! I hate you sometimes, UT Frisk!", kind of yelling it at the poor girl. "No need to yell at me, Red. I'm just telling the truth." UT Frisk said. "Yeah, buddy. Don't be rude to her." The other girl said. "Sweetheart, we've been over this a hundred times now..." Red said, sighing at the end. "Stay out of my damn business." "Ah, ah, ah. Red... what did I say about being rude to my Frisk or UF Frisk or your Frisk?" Sans asked Red. "Uh... not to do it." Red said. "And what are doing?" Sans asked. "Exactly that." Red said, looking down at the ground, ashamed. "Good boy. At least you realize it's wrong." Sans said patting Red on the top of the head like a puppy. Red blushed a deeper red and said, in kind of a whisper, "Sans... please stop patting my head like I'm a dog. It's really embarrassing when you treat me like a dog in front of people." "Oops. Sorry." Sans said and put his hand by his side.

"Okay... that was weird." Bonnie said. "Yep..." Chica said. "Aye... yes, it was." Foxy said. "Uh, no shit." Goldie said. "Language, brother." I said. "Sorry brother. I forgot." Goldie said. That's okay, just don't do it again." I said. "Who are you five?" I asked the people in front of us. "Oh, sorry. My name's Sans and these are my boyfriend and friends. My Frisk, UT Frisk, the one with the green and blue stripped shirt, Red, the skeleton in the black blazer (the type of jacket he owns), Red's Frisk, or UF Frisk, the one with the blue and yellow stripped shirt, and Black, the one with the black short-sleeved shirt on." Sans said, pointing to each of them. Red blushed a crimson red and sputtered, "I-I'm n-not y-your b-boyfriend, Sans! W-we h-haven't s-started d-dating y-yet nor h-have we t-told a-anyone a-about o-our r-relationship!" "Actually, Red... I've told both of our Frisks and Black about us being together." Sans said, blushing a bright red. "Ugh. You're really dumb sometimes, Sans. But... you're MY dummy." Red said giving Sans a quick peck on the cheek. Sans blushed even harder than he already was and looked at me and my friends with an awkward smile. "Wh-who are you g-guys?" He asked, obviously a bit embarrassed about what just happened.

"I'm Freddy Fazbear." I said. "And these are my friends, Chica the Chicken and Foxy the Pirate Fox, my boyfriend/husband, Bonnie the Bunny, and my brother, Golden Freddy, who we call Golden for short." I said pointing to all of us. "It'a nice to meet a fellow gay person and some new friends." Sans said. "I thought that me and Bonnie were the only two. So, yeah, it's amazing." I said. Red grumbled something under his breath. "What is it now, Red?" Sans asked, a bit annoyed. "Just my stupid-ass brother." Red grumbled. "Oh god. What does he want from you now?" Sans asked. "He's just pissed because I said I would be home an hour ago and I'm still not back. I fucking hate him." Red said. "I don't blame you. I hate him too." Sans said. "What's wrong with your brother? What's made you hate him?" I asked. "Everything about him." Red said. "Red's the Underfell version of me, so his brother's a more brutal version of my brother as he is for me. So..." Sans said. "His brother hates his guts and he hates his." I said and then hugged the skeleton. Red blushed dark red and hesitated for a couple of seconds, but then returned the hug. We let go after a second. I blushed in embarrassment after realizing what I did and said, "S-sorry, Red. I'm a hugger. I hug people when I feel sorry for them." "I-it's okay, Freddy." Red said. "I really appreciate and liked it." "Okay, good." I said. "That's actually one of the reasons I got together with him." Bonnie said. "I also liked him a lot but that was the same thing for Foxy. What made the two of them different was that Freddy actually cared about, not just my feelings, but everyone else's feelings as well whereas Foxy didn't. He did but didn't." Bonnie said. "I cared but not as much as Freddy. That's what ta lad be tryin' ta say." Foxy said. "Thanks for clearing that up. We were really confused by what Bonnie said." Sans said.

End of the first chapter, guys! Second book that I've written on Wattpad. Hope you guys liked the chapter! Also, please go check out my other book if you haven't already. I worked hard on it. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed! Love y'all! See y'all in the next chapter!

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