Chapter 2 (Can't think of any name for the chapter, sorry 😔)

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No one's POV:

"I'm glad I cleared that up for ya, lad." Foxy said. "Just out of curiosity, Foxy... can you speak in normal English or can you only speak in pirate talk?" Sans asked. "I can talk normally, lad, I just prefer to talk like a ol' pirate." Foxy said. "Can you talk normally, please? It's hard to understand you with the accent." Sans asked. "Sure, lad." Foxy said. "Thank you." Sans said. "No problem, Sans." Foxy said, dropping his pirate accent. "His accent is just a show thing. It's so that the kids are entertained throughout the show." Freddy said. "Oh, cool." Sans said.

After that, they all hung out together for a while. Goldie popped in and Freddy explained to him who the newbies were and he then disappeared. There was a knock on the door a minute after Goldie left.

"I'll get the door. I'm closest to it anyway." Red said and stood up and walked to the door and opened it. "Hello." He said to Fredrick (Toy Freddy). "Hi...?" Fred said. "Oh, hello baby bro. What are you doing here? Come in." Freddy said and asked and Fred walked in, blushing a light pink. "I-I thought I told you not to call me that." Fred said. "Sorry Fred. It's just so cute the way you react when I call you that." Freddy said. Fred blushed a darker red and said, "Shut up, Freddery." Then it was Freddy's turn to blush dark red. "O-okay... let's just move on to me explaining why there's 3 skeletons and 2 humans here." He said. "Good idea." Fred said. Freddy then explained the whole situation to Fred. "Okay, now I understand." Fred said.

"Hey Freddy! Chica's been calling you for the past 3 minutes trying to tell ya that dinner's r-" Red walked in saying then stopped mid-sentence when he noticed the other bear was talking to Freddy. "Um... who is he?" He asked. "Oh him?" Freddy asked pointing to the smaller, slightly chubbier bear. "He's my younger brother, Fredrick." He said. "That's Red. One of my new friends." He said to Fred. "It's nice ta meet ya, Fred." Red said. "It's okay that I called you that, right?" "Of course. Everyone does. It's hard to keep saying Fredrick every time someone wants to talk to me, so everyone calls me Fred for short. Also, it's nice to meet you too, Red." Fred said. "Anyway, dinner's ready, Freddy." Red said and walked back to the kitchen.

"You want to come eat?" Freddy asked. "Sure." Fred said and then they both walked to the kitchen. Once they got there, they both sat down. A minute into eating their dinner, they heard moaning coming from the bathroom. "I'll go check it out." Red said and walked to the bathroom. The rest of them just continued on eating their dinner.

Red's POV:

I walked to the bathroom to see who it was that was moaning. When I got there, I slowly and quietly opened the door. When it was open, I saw Sans on the ground, with no clothes on, trying to jack himself off but was clearly having trouble doing so. His eyes were shut tightly. He was sweating like crazy. He was a moaning mess. He just couldn't get himself to release. I knew I had to help him. I couldn't leave my boyfriend in that situation. I blushed dark red at that thought. I swallowed my fear and walked over to him. I gently tapped him on the shoulder. "P-please h-help m-me d-daddy~" He said to me. I blushed darker red and said, "O-okay, honey. I'll help you." Then I stuck his dick into my mouth and sucked on it gently. "S-stop teasing me! Suck as hard as you can!" He said to me, making me blush more and then I went as hard and as fast as I could without hurting him or myself. Soon I felt his dick twitching and I knew he was close to his climax. He then cummed inside of my mouth. He was so big that some of it dripped out of my mouth and onto the floor. I swallowed the rest of it. He then got up, got dressed, and walked out of the bathroom as if nothing happened. I shook my head. 'How the hell is he able to do that...?' I ask myself getting up and leaving the bathroom.

When I got back, I saw the others staring at Sans. They then looked over at me and smirked. "What?" I asked. "You have a bit of cum on your face." Chica said and then giggled. I blushed bright red and quickly wiped the cum off of my face. "You two had fun, didn't you~" Bonnie teased while giggling. Foxy laughed. Goldie just mouthed, 'I'm sorry for them, they like teasing people.' I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment. "Guys... could you please not do that. It doesn't affect me but it makes Red really shy and embarrassed when people do that. He's really shy about us being together, never mind being close enough where we can give each other blowjobs if needed." Sans said, rubbing Red's back, trying to calm him down. "Oh my god. I'm so so so so so so so so sorry. 🥺" Bonnie said. "Me too." Chica said. "Same here." Foxy said. "It's okay, just don't do it again." Sans said.

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