Chapter 5

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No one's POV:
"I'm just really pissed that Freddery keeps calling me his baby brother in front of people." Fred said. "Oh and..." Goldie said. "And that's when I get up the courage to hit people, even my older brother." Fred said. "Oh, okay." Goldie said. Freddy stood there blushing crimson red. "FRED! STOP WITH THE STUPID NICKNAME ALREADY! ARGH! I HATE YOU! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" He yelled, slapping Fred really hard and then storming out of the room. "Ugh... the hell was that?" Fred asked. "I'm not sure." Goldie admitted. "Jesus that hurt... he has quit the punch to him." Fred said.

"Are you two okay? I heard screaming..." Red asked. "Yeah, we're fine. Freddy just got pissed and slapped me hard and stormed out of the room. Don't know why." Fred said. "Oh god. Are you okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?" Red asked. "Oh no, he didn't hurt me. I'm fine. Thanks for caring, though, Red." Fred said. "Always." Red said. "I'm going to go to my room. See you guys later." Goldie said. "See you later, brother." Fred said. "See you later, bud." Red said.

After a minute, Springy kind of appeared out of nowhere. "Where's Goldie?!" He screamed, making everyone jump. Foxy and Chica, who were eating, choked on their food. Freddy fell off of the stage. Bonnie also fell off of the stage and onto Freddy making both of them blush and then Bonnie got off and they both got up. Red ended up accidentally biting Sans's lip as he was kissing him, making Sans yelp quietly. Black just stood there frozen along with both Frisks. "I'm right here, hun. What do you want?" Goldie asked, appearing out of thin air. "You know what." Springy said. "Oh my god! This is about THAT thing, isn't it?! Get the hell over it! GOD!" Goldie yelled, slapping Springy and then teleporting to his room.

"The hell was that about?" Freddy asked. "I'm not quite sure." Bonnie said. "YOU LITTLE FUCKER! GET BACK!" Springy yelled. "NO!" Goldie called back. "QUIT IT YOU GUYS! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" Red yelled. "The hell are you?" Springy asked him, grumpily. "Don't fucking talk to him like that." Freddy growled. "Shut up, twit." Springy said. "No." Freddy growled. "Stop it! Now!" Bonnie said, quaking with fear. "B-Bonnie! Oh my god! I'm sorry! Are you okay?!" Springy said. "J-Just stop yelling. It freaks me out." Bonnie said. "Okay. I'm sorry baby brother." Springy said. "It's okay." Bonnie said. "Baby brother?" Freddy asked. "Yeah. Springy's my older brother. T.B.'s my younger brother." Bonnie said. "You never told me that you had brothers." Freddy said. "Meant to. Sorry." Bonnie said. "It's okay." Freddy said. "Anyway... why are you here?" Bonnie asked. "I forget now." Springy said.

"So you just barge in here yelling and then give me attitude and then act like nothing ever happened? That's a great way of introducing yourself." Red sarcastically said. "Don't give me that lip, kid." Springy said, rolling his eyes. "I'M NOT A KID!" Red yelled, running at Springy and then tackling him to the ground. "G-Get off of me, idiot!" Springy yelled. "Learn some manners, dipshit! I'm a fucking ADULT! Not a KID!" Red yelled. "Okay! No need to scream in my ear!" Springy yelled, pushing Red off of him. Springy then got up, rubbing his ear. "Idiot." He mumbled. "Don't call me that." Red grumbled.

"Calm down you little shits!" Sans yelled at the two of them. "Why should I listen to either of you guys? You're just kids. Stupid, little, punk kids." Springy said. "They're not kids, Spring. They're 29 years old. Also, Red's got a bit of a temper, if you haven't already noticed. He's the skeleton in the black jacket. Sans is the other one. Red really hates it when someone calls him a kid." Bonnie said. "Also I'm kind of surprised that Sans yelled and swore. I didn't think that he was that type of person." "He's usually not." Red said, blushing a bit. "You obviously like it a bit." Springy said, noticing Red blushing a bit. "Of course. It reminds me of home." Red said. "What?" Springy asked. "He's from Underfell, a more brutal version of Undertale, were Sans is from." Bonnie said. "Well... that explains it." Springy said. "I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot, Red." He said to Red. "It's okay. I overreacted to everything." Red said. "Let's start over: Hi. I'm Springtrap, Springy for short." Springy said. "Hi Springy, I'm Underfell Sans, nickname Red." Red said. "How did you get that nickname?" Springy asked. "Don't know. Have had it for years." Red said. "Also, sorry for assuming that you were a kid. You look like one." Springy said. "I know and I hate it." Red said. "Okay then..." Springy said.

"I think that every single person that's like us hates it. I know I feel the same way." Sans said. "I do too." Black said, startling Sans, Red, and Springy, who jumped at the sound of his voice. "The fuck?! Who is that??" Springy asked. "I'm Blackberry, or Black for short. I'm Swapfell Sans. It's basically like Underfell, but the roles are switched." Black said. "Oh. What do you mean by the roles are switched?" Springy asked. "Do you know anything about my world?" Red asked. "Um... only bits and pieces. Goldie would never tell me everything." Springy said. "What do you know?" Red asked. "Before I tell you anything." "I know that Underfell is a more brutal version of Undertale, and that the people there are more brutal version of the Undertale people and... that's about it." Springy said. "Okay... the roles thing... Swapfell is like Underswap. Do you know that world?" Red asked. "Yes, very well. Paps switches with Sans, Alphys with Undyne, Temmie with Flowy, Toriel with Asgore, Frisk with Chara, and so on." Springy said. "Yep. Swapfell is exactly that for my world. "So... Swapfell Paps is like you, Black's like your brother, and then so on?" Springy asked. "Yep." Red said. "But how is your brother like? If he's anything like Black, he should have some kindness to him." Springy said. "He doesn't. He's a cruel and unjust leader of the Royal Guard who hates my guts and is always very strict and won't let me do anything without him agreeing to it." Red said. "Black's that way as well with his brother. Don't know why." "I-It's because we're trying to protect you guys..." Black mumbled, blushing a bit. "Yeah, right. What are you guys protecting us from? From having rights? From having fun? From doing things we want to do? Idiots. This is why I hate my brother and your brother hates you." Red said. "We're protecting you guys from dying! We can't live without you guys! If you die, we'll be shells of our former selves!" Black yelled quietly, then blushed realizing what he said. Red just stood there, shocked at what he just heard. "R-Really? You guys can't function without us?" Red asked. "Y-Y-Yeah... w-why...?" Black asked, getting ready to be laughed at. Instead, Red ran over to him and hugged him. "Thanks for caring, Black. Send that to my brother as well." Red whispered to him, then let go and went back to where he was. Black stood there, blushing, just staring at Red. "D-didn't think that you would be the type to do THAT, Red." Black said after standing the way he was for a hot minute. "I am, though... now." Red said. "You weren't like this before you met Sans, though. That has me guessing that you changed for him... am I right or no?" Black said. Red blushed a deep red. "Y-You're correct..." Red said. "Neeto. I changed for Blueberry, Blue for short." Black said. "Figures." Red said. "Yeah... I wouldn't have told you what I did if I hadn't changed from what I was like before." Black said. "I-I know that." Red said.

"Wow this is weird." Springy said. "Forgot about you." Red said. "It's fine. Been in weirder situations." Springy said. "Why's everyone staring at us?" Red asked, looking around the room, slightly blushing. "It's because of what... um... Black (?)... yeah him... said... actually yelled about him and your brother actually trying to protect you by being strict. It's not something we expected from people like them." Springy said.

Alright guys! Imma end it here and start a new chapter. Running out of ideas for this chapter. Hope to have more when starting a new chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! See you in the next one! Ciao!

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