Chapter 8

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No One's POV:

After Springs and Fredbear came out of the room, they saw that the others were playing something really weird, as everyone was either half naked or had make up on, even the boys. "The hell's going on out here?" Springs asked, looking around, wide-eyed. "Yeah..." Fredbear said, also looking around wide-eyed. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over at them. The others all turned red and wiped off the make up and put their clothes back on. "You guys took a while coming out of the room." Bonnie said, chuckling nervously. "Um... yeah... what were you guys doing?" Springs asked. "We were playing some kind of like strip go-fish or something like that. I don't exactly know." Bonnie said. "What were we doing?" He asked Freddy. "We were playing strip Uno, Bonnie. Every time someone lost, they needed to take off a piece of clothing. If they didn't want to do that, then they had to put some make up on their face." Freddy said. "Golly y'all are weird." Springs said. "We know." Freddy said. "I'm going to go... have fun with these weirdos." Fredbear said and started to walk away, but Springs pulled him back. "You're not leaving." He said. "Okay then." Fredbear said.

"Welp... this is weird. Who's the golden bear?" Red asked. "I'm Fredbear. I'm Springs's husband. We've known each other since we worked at Fredbear's Family Dinner, the restaurant that was around before this one and was actually the first restaurant in the franchise but it was under an different manager and name at the time." Fredbear said. Then he blushed realizing what he said. "Y-You've never called me your husband before. You must really love me~" Springs cooed in Fredbear's ear. Fredbear blushed a darker red and said, "Shut up. Spring-Spring." "Oh~ going back to that are we~ you naughty, naughty little bear~" Springs cooed. "SHUT UP!" Fredbear yelled, then covered his mouth with his hand, blushing like crazy. Springs also blushed a lot. The others were staring at the two of them. "Well, Jesus, you guys are smitten with each other." Red said. "No kiddin'. And I thought that we were really into each other." Sans said. "Yeah, me too. But we're not nearly as into each other as these two are." Red said. "Is it really that obvious?" Fredbear asked. "Um, yeah, duh, it is brother." Freddy said. "The heck? I thought you only had 2 brothers, Freddy. You've got 3?" Red asked. "Well, I only have 2 biological brothers, Fred and Goldie, but Fredbear's my non-biological brother. We aren't from the same parents, but my parents adopted him after he was left out on the streets by his own parents and my parents found him broken, hungry, and very dirty and kind of sick. I think he had a little cold when we found him. I could be wrong, though." Freddy said. "Okay, that clears it up. Also, sorry that happened to you Fredbear." Red said. "I understand what it's like to have bad family members, though. My mom, my dad, and my brother all hate my guts and want me dead. My brother never lets me do anything. My dad always treated me like trash. My mom was never there for me. I don't have anyone but my brother now, but he's not even there for me and never has been. I'm a loner, just like you." "I'm so sorry about that. But, yeah, we're both loners. Yes I have 3 wonderful adoptive brothers that love and cherish me and always have and I have a wonderful boyfriend - soon to be husband - and I have a bunch of wonderful friends, but I'm alone in the world, or have felt like I'm alone in the world because my family, at least my parents because I never met my younger brother, hated me and were never there for me and they left me on the streets to rot for eternity." Fredbear said. "My family was the same way. They hated my guts. I wanted to leave, but they forced me to stay and get beaten everyday of my life. That is until I turned 17 and ran away from home and got adopted into Bonnie's family where I was raised by his family for 4 years until I went off to college and then lived on my own after that. Bonnie and his brothers are my adoptive brothers." Springs said. "Jeez. Looks like everyone has a bad family around here." Black said. "What are you talking about? There's people here who have good families." Red said. "Yeah but it seems like the majority of us have had bad families or come from bad families." Black said. "Why do you say that? Do you have a dysfunctional family or something like that?" Red asked. "Actually, yes, I do." Black said. "Oh. Care to explain?" Red asked. "Don't mind if I do. I grew up with my mom and dad hating both me and my brother when we were younger. They never were around and, when they were, they wouldn't do anything but abuse us. We grew up and moved out, or rather we lived on the streets for years and then were able to move it a house, but as we grew up, I continued to treat my brother like trash and we both hated each other and still do, as far as I'm concerned. We hated each other as kids and I abused my brother when we were kids as well. I still abuse him to this day. Wish I didn't, though. It seems like he hates me because of my abuse. But I'm not trying to actually abuse him, I'm trying to protect him and make sure he doesn't die at the hands of another monster in our world because he's the 'weak link' in our world, the monster everyone wants to kill because he's a really easy target but the other monsters are too scared of getting destroyed by me that they back off of him because he's constantly with me but, boy, do they want to kill him, want him destroyed, but I'm never going to let that happen. I'm never going to let them take my brother's life." Black said, then blushed dark red realizing what he said. "I-Ignore that last part." "Nope, not going to happen. It's too adorable to ignore!" Red kinda squealed, acting like a total fanboy. Red then blushed realizing what he said and how he was reacting. "S-Sorry. I'm really a fan of that kind of thing." "It's okay, Red, I am too. I'm just glad that nobody's laughing at me for that." Black said.

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