Spring Bonnie and Red's Introduction (it's weird)

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A/N: Spring Bonnie talks with a Southern accent. He's from South Carolina in my AU. Forgot to mention that before.

Spring Bonnie's POV:

I walked ta the room that the lil' skeleton went cryin' into. I knocked on the door. No answer. I tapped it lightly and it opened a lil'. I peeked inside and saw somethin' that I'll never forget. I opened the door more, walkin' in. I then closed the door behind me. I then walked on over ta the skeleton, who twas on the bed and for some reason wasn't with clothes. I lightly tapped him on the shoulder. He looked straight inta my eyes. He then blushed dark red. "U-um... hi..." He said, obviously embarrassed that I just saw 'im the way he twas. "Hi. Don't worry, bud. I'm not gonna hurt or laugh at ya." I said. That calmed him down. "Oh good." He said. "Who are ya, bud?" I asked. "Name's Red." Red said. "I'm Spring Bonnie. Springs for short." I said. "Nice to meet ya, I guess... sorry it's in this awkward way that we're meeting." Red said. "'Tis a'right." I said. "Why'd ya come runnin' here cryin'?" I asked. "Me and my brother had an argument because he wanted me to go home, but I didn't and don't want to. When I back-talked him saying that I wasn't going home, he put a collar on me and pulled me by it with him, which ended up exciting me sexually, and everyone saw it. I was so embarrassed by the fact that everyone saw that and my brother didn't care that I started crying and ran into here. Now I can't seem to get out of the situation I'm in. I can't go back out there with a boner." Red said. "Yeah, ya definitely can't. If ya want, I can help ya." I said. "Don't ya have someone and won't they get angry if you help me?" Red asked. "No to the getting angry." I said. "Oh o-" Red said, getting interrupted in the middle of his sentence by a golden animatronic bear popping out of nowhere and saying, "I WOULD mind, dipshit!" His name's Fredbear. "Oh hush up, honey. I need to help him." I said to him. Then to Red, "Let's get this started." I walked over and kneeled down in front of Red's dick. Red blushed a lot and just stared at Fredbear, who looked like he was going to slaughter the poor skeleton. I then put my mouth around Red's dick. Red bit down on a pillow, trying to muffle his moan that slipped out, making Fredbear blush a bright red but not from anger, from embarrassment. Fredbear just kind of sat down quietly in a corner of the room, facing the walls. I bobbed my head on Red's dick. He started moaning a lot, but muffled because of the pillow in his mouth. After 30 minutes of that, Red started to twitch and shake, meaning he was close to his climax. Another minute and he came. I swallowed it all and stood up, wiping off my face. Red put his pants back on along with his shirt. He then walked out of the room. I turned to Fredbear. "Hey sweetie. Are you okay?" I asked. "I-I'm fine... just embarrassed that I just witnessed that whole thing. You were good at that, though." He said. I kissed him on the cheek. "I know." I whispered in his ear and then walked out. He followed me out of the room, blushing a bit.

Okay guys! I'm ending it here. I don't want to deviate from this too far in this chapter so the next chapter will actually talk about what's going to happen next. Anyway, see you guys in the next chapter! Bye!

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